Обсуждение: duplicate key


duplicate key

pascal bérest
Hello eveybody,

We are trying to REINDEX a database, but we encounter some strange problem.
We have the message "Cannot insert a duplicate key into index
It appears that we have duplicate key in the base, with exactly the
same informations.
We then did the above query:
"select id_synd_art from synd_article group by id_synd_art having
id_synd_pkey is the primary key on id_synd_art, a not null field with
default nextval('"synd_article_id_seq"'::text)

By example, we can have the above informations, when we do a select
on one of the key given by the previous query :
11470 | actualite_generale/une/ | 2002-08-01 21:00:00-01 | La Une |
11470 | actualite_generale/une/ | 2002-08-01 21:00:00-01 | La Une |

We have exactly the same things in the base.
Actually, we have 221 duplicate keys in the table (65000 records)

We can't do REINDEX on the base and VACUUM. So the base is growing
and growing and so...

Any idea about this problem ?


Re: duplicate key

Tom Lane
pascal =?iso-8859-1?Q?b=E9rest?= <lists@magnetophone.com> writes:
> We have exactly the same things in the base.
> Actually, we have 221 duplicate keys in the table (65000 records)

Seems like a bug, but there's no chance of diagnosing it without more
info.  For starters, what Postgres version are you running?  Are all of
the records with duplicate keys exact duplicates in all other fields
too?  Also, it would be useful to see the ctid, xmin, xmax, cmin,
and cmax values for some of the sets of duplicate rows.

            regards, tom lane

Re: duplicate key

pascal bérest
At 10:53 -0500 13/01/2003, Tom Lane wrote:
>pascal =?iso-8859-1?Q?b=E9rest?= <lists@magnetophone.com> writes:
>  > We have exactly the same things in the base.
>  > Actually, we have 221 duplicate keys in the table (65000 records)
>Seems like a bug, but there's no chance of diagnosing it without more
>info.  For starters, what Postgres version are you running?

We are using postgres 7.2.3

>  Are all of
>the records with duplicate keys exact duplicates in all other fields

Yes. When we print all the fields, we have exactly the same entries.
So we can't delete one the two entries. That's quite strange.

>Also, it would be useful to see the ctid, xmin, xmax, cmin,
>and cmax values for some of the sets of duplicate rows.

Could you explain where we can have these informations ?

We also delete the duplicate keys, but we still have some of them.
We delete again and again, and we still have some of them. Finally,
we delete them manually, and it was possible to REINDEX the table.

This problem seams to be important, as we can't do REINDEX or VACUUM
on the database. In decembre 20th, we had have 1.8 Gb database and
now, it's about 5.0 Gb database. Our server is running slowly now.

We didn't have this problem with postgres 7.2.1.

Thanx for your help,

Re: duplicate key

Tom Lane
pascal =?iso-8859-1?Q?b=E9rest?=  <lists@magnetophone.com> writes:
>> Also, it would be useful to see the ctid, xmin, xmax, cmin,
>> and cmax values for some of the sets of duplicate rows.

> Could you explain where we can have these informations ?

Select 'em.  They're system columns, like OID.

> We also delete the duplicate keys, but we still have some of them.
> We delete again and again, and we still have some of them. Finally,
> we delete them manually, and it was possible to REINDEX the table.

So in other words, the evidence is now all gone?  Oh well.

            regards, tom lane

Re: duplicate key

pascal bérest
>pascal =?iso-8859-1?Q?b=E9rest?=  <lists@magnetophone.com> writes:
>  >> Also, it would be useful to see the ctid, xmin, xmax, cmin,
>  >> and cmax values for some of the sets of duplicate rows.
>>  Could you explain where we can have these informations ?
>Select 'em.  They're system columns, like OID.
>>  We also delete the duplicate keys, but we still have some of them.
>  > We delete again and again, and we still have some of them. Finally,
>  > we delete them manually, and it was possible to REINDEX the table.
>So in other words, the evidence is now all gone?  Oh well.

Yes, it's deleted. But we still have them on our production server.
We can restore it on our preproduction server, from a tar of the base.
Could you explain exactle where we can find tthe ctid, cmin, xmin,
xmax values ?
We will redo the test tomorrow.

Thanx very much.


Re: duplicate key

Wenzhe Zhou
I got same problem with Postgres 7.2.3. I kept a tar file for the whole data directory.


At 11:24 AM 1/13/2003 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>pascal =?iso-8859-1?Q?b=E9rest?=  <lists@magnetophone.com> writes:
>>> Also, it would be useful to see the ctid, xmin, xmax, cmin,
>>> and cmax values for some of the sets of duplicate rows.
>> Could you explain where we can have these informations ?
>Select 'em.  They're system columns, like OID.
>> We also delete the duplicate keys, but we still have some of them.
>> We delete again and again, and we still have some of them. Finally,
>> we delete them manually, and it was possible to REINDEX the table.
>So in other words, the evidence is now all gone?  Oh well.
>                        regards, tom lane
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