Обсуждение: Query



"Zeeshan Anwar"
Hello How are you.I am just trying to install the PostGreSql on the windown
plateform and having some problems.

1- First i have install the CygWin successfull and download the data from
the net.
2- Download CygIPCand install it successfully.

The PostGreSql is also downloaded.
Now the help says that

1.   launch a Cygwin shell window from the desktop or Windows Start Menu.
2.   Navigate to the directory: /usr/local/pgsql/data
          , which can be done by typing a command similar to:
          cd /usr/local/pgsql/data

 but the problem is that after in the local folder i have no pgsql

 folder.What can i do now to install the PostGreSql on windows plateforn.

 Lookig farword for you reply.

 Thank you.

Zeeshan Anwar
Software Engineer, Pi Sigma, Inc.
#10, Second Floor, Evacuee Trust Complex
Agha Khan Road, F-5/1, Islamabad.
Phone : 92-51-2875401, 2826866
Fax: 92-51-2875402
Email: zeeshan@pisigma.com