Обсуждение: problems getting a module installed


problems getting a module installed

lchan@ssl.berkeley.edu (lchan)
Hi all,
     I was reading about querying arrays in postgres and that if I
wanted greater power to query arrays of unknown size, that I would
have to use the *= operator and that I would have to install the
/contrib/array module to do so.  I went to /contrib/array and ran,
"make" and "make instal".  Then I restarted the pgsql service (service
postgresql restart).  Then I went to a preexisting database and
created a test table:

create table test ("index" int, "values" int[]) ;

populated it:

insert into test values (1, '{1,2,3,4,5}') ;

and then ran a query on it:

select * from test where values *= 2 ;

which returned me this error:

ERROR:  Unable to identify an operator '*=' for types 'integer[]' and
        You will have to retype this query using an explicit cast

Do I have to do something additional to get postgres to recognize the
new *= operator?  Did I mess up somewhere along the way?  I'm a
relative newbie so please excuse any blatant stupidity.  Thanks in


Re: problems getting a module installed

Tom Lane
lchan@ssl.berkeley.edu (lchan) writes:
> Do I have to do something additional to get postgres to recognize the
> new *= operator?

Yes, the "make install" creates a SQL script that you have to execute
in any database you want the new operators installed into.

            regards, tom lane