Обсуждение: Compatible UNION query for postgresql and MS SQL Server


Compatible UNION query for postgresql and MS SQL Server

"Randy Zierman"

I am adapting a java application to work with both SQL Server and postgresql 7.2.2.  I am having trouble with the following statement.


    String strSQL = "Select m.* from Message m, ASKUser u " +

        "where (m.JurisdictionID =  " + currentJurisdictionID + " AND DistributionType = 'J')  " +

        "OR DistributionType = 'M' OR DistributionType = 'S' " +

        "AND (Status = 'O'  " +

        "and u.ASKUserID = " + currentASKUserID + ") " +

        "Union " +

        "Select m.* from UserSchool us " +

        "inner join ASKUser u on u.ASKUserID = us.ASKUserID " +

        "inner join MessageSchool ms on ms.SchoolID = us.SchoolID " +

        "inner join Message m on m.MessageID = ms.MessageID " +

        "where us.ASKUserID = " + currentASKUserID +

        "ORDER BY m.Priority, m.DistributionType, m.CreationDate ";


The problem is in the ORDER BY clause.  If  the table alias (m.) is not given, SQL server complains that there is an ambiguous column reference.  With postgres, using the table alias produces the error “Relation “m” does not exist”


Is there any way, besides using column numbers, to use the same syntax for both databases?


Re: Compatible UNION query for postgresql and MS SQL Server

Tom Lane
"Randy Zierman" <randy.zierman@HelmSolutionsGroup.com> writes:
>     String strSQL =3D "Select m.* from Message m, ASKUser u " +
>         "where (m.JurisdictionID =3D  " + currentJurisdictionID + " AND
> DistributionType =3D 'J')  " +
>         "OR DistributionType =3D 'M' OR DistributionType =3D 'S' " +
>         "AND (Status =3D 'O'  " +
>         "and u.ASKUserID =3D " + currentASKUserID + ") " +
>         "Union " +
>         "Select m.* from UserSchool us " +
>         "inner join ASKUser u on u.ASKUserID =3D us.ASKUserID " +
>         "inner join MessageSchool ms on ms.SchoolID =3D us.SchoolID " +
>         "inner join Message m on m.MessageID =3D ms.MessageID " +
>         "where us.ASKUserID =3D " + currentASKUserID +
>         "ORDER BY m.Priority, m.DistributionType, m.CreationDate ";
> =20
> The problem is in the ORDER BY clause.  If  the table alias (m.) is not
> given, SQL server complains that there is an ambiguous column reference.

Go Microsoft :-( ... guess they can't read the SQL spec.  The ORDER BY
really ought to see only the column names output by the UNION --- which
do not have any attached table alias.

It's barely possible that SQL Server is mis-parsing the construct and
thinks that the ORDER BY applies to the second SELECT, not the UNION
output as it should per-spec.  You could try putting in parentheses
to see if that helps:

    (SELECT ...
     SELECT ...)
    ORDER BY Priority, etc

If that doesn't work, the only other thing I can think of is a

      (SELECT ...
       SELECT ...) ss
    ORDER BY Priority, etc

I would not be surprised to hear that SQL Server can't handle either
of these (perfectly spec-compliant) syntaxes, in which case you're
probably stuck ...

            regards, tom lane