Обсуждение: Has the attribute name for oid changed in pgsql 7.3 ?


Has the attribute name for oid changed in pgsql 7.3 ?

Guy Fraser
This is the error I am getting.

select oid,* from "decstop" limit 25 offset 0 failed : \
ERROR: Attribute "oid" not found

This used to work, but doesn't anymore.

How can I get the oid for a record now. I use them to collect the first record
of entries with duplicated data. The records have different delay fields so
they can not be selected with distinct. The records are inserted into a table
then removed from the holding table, I then insert all remaining records into
a table that holds all duplicate records then remove them from the holding table.

I need the oid to be able to efficiently "move" records from one table to
another since I only store the oid of matches into a temporary table for use
with the insert and delete queries.

I had not noticed anything about this change in the documentation, but maybe I
missed something.
