Обсуждение: \dt vs schemas


\dt vs schemas

Francisco Reyes
Just started using schemas recently.
Should one be able to see tables with the same name in different schemas
if both schemas are in the search_path?

So if I had table_1 and table_2 in schema_1 and schema_2, should I be able
to see:
 Schema |    Name     | Type  | Owner
 schema1| table_1     | table | pgsql
 schema1| table_2     | table | pgsql
 schema2| table_1     | table | pgsql
 schema2| table_2     | table | pgsql
(sample \dt typed by hand, not result of doing in system)

Currently I have some tables with same name which I was just moving to a
schema. Used select into to copy them to the new schema, but from that
point on, only 1 set of tables are visible. The set listed in the first
schema in the search path is the one that displays.

If I do "\dt schema2." I can see the additional tables not listed by the
plain \dt fine.

Running 7.3.2 on Freebsd 4.7 Stable.