Обсуждение: Hwo to set timeout for PHP persistent connections


Hwo to set timeout for PHP persistent connections

Gabriele Bartolini
Ciao guys,

   I need to set a reasonable low value of timeout for inactive
connections, as they seem to stay up when a PHP script calls a
pg_pconnect on the database server.

   As its main purpose is to serve a Web application, I'd love
connections to get close after 10-15 seconds of inactivity.

   Is there a run-time configuration I can set in Postgres?

Ciao and thanks
Gabriele Bartolini - Web Programmer
Comune di Prato - Prato - Tuscany - Italy
g.bartol@comune.prato.it | http://www.comune.prato.it
> find bin/laden -name osama -exec rm {} ;


Re: Hwo to set timeout for PHP persistent connections

On 3 Mar 2003, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:

> Ciao guys,
>    I need to set a reasonable low value of timeout for inactive
> connections, as they seem to stay up when a PHP script calls a
> pg_pconnect on the database server.
>    As its main purpose is to serve a Web application, I'd love
> connections to get close after 10-15 seconds of inactivity.
>    Is there a run-time configuration I can set in Postgres?

Bad news, the is no timeout.  You should expect there to be as many
persistant connections as there are apachc children times the number of
connections in each child that can happen.

Therefore, it's usually a good idea to configure apache to have fewer max
children than postgresql.  i.e. configure postgresql to handle 128
backends, and apache to run 64 children.  Then you could have two connects
per scripts and you wouldn't quite run out.

The better option is to stop using persistant connects unless you have
proof that connection time is a major impact on the performance of your

My main box, a Dual PIII 750 can pg_connect about 1,000 times a second.

It can pg_pconnect about 1,000,000 times a second.  Either way, all the
scripts I run take way more than a millisecond to run, and all the queries
I run take hundreds of milliseconds to run as well, so the 1,000th of a
second of a pg_connect may be 1,000 times slower than a pg_pconnect, but
they're both drops in the bucket so to speak, compared to the script

Re: Hwo to set timeout for PHP persistent connections

Steve Crawford
Short answer - check for the timeout settings in posgresql.conf.

Long answer: It's not a bug it's a feature.

PHP can be set to maintain persistent database connections. Persistent
connections can improve performance by eliminating the overhead of setting up
and tearing down the connection to the database on a use-by-use basis. This
can be good (doing a bunch of simple inserts on an open-do inserts-close vs.
doing an open-insert-close for each insert generally gives me a 10x boost in
performance) and is appropriate if 1) lots of your traffic requires database
access and 2) you have sufficient resources to maintain enough open
connections (typically one per web server process so look at your max
processes setting in your web server).

I'm not a PHP guru but I think there is a way to either explicitely close the
connection or to turn off persistence which may be better than having
PostgreSQL drop the connection. You could ask on the PHP list.

If you need performance then you really need to look into connection pooling
(like in aolserver or in Java app servers like jboss or check out one of the
postgresql pooling solutions). With a connection pool you can set up a "pool"
of persistent database connections that are shared by your various web server
threads. Whenever a process needs to access the database it gets an already
established connection from the pool and "returns" it when done. You only
need enough connections to satisfy you max need for simultaneous database
connections as the web process will not tie up a connection when not needed
(say when serving up an image file or sitting idle) and you get the speed
boost of having an established connection ready and waiting. Many pooling
systems will automatically increase and decrease the number of connections in
the pool as needed by the application.


On Monday 03 March 2003 8:27 am, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> Ciao guys,
>    I need to set a reasonable low value of timeout for inactive
> connections, as they seem to stay up when a PHP script calls a
> pg_pconnect on the database server.
>    As its main purpose is to serve a Web application, I'd love
> connections to get close after 10-15 seconds of inactivity.
>    Is there a run-time configuration I can set in Postgres?
> Ciao and thanks
> -Gabriele

Re: Hwo to set timeout for PHP persistent connections

On 3 Mar 2003, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:

> Ciao guys,
>    I need to set a reasonable low value of timeout for inactive
> connections, as they seem to stay up when a PHP script calls a
> pg_pconnect on the database server.
>    As its main purpose is to serve a Web application, I'd love
> connections to get close after 10-15 seconds of inactivity.
>    Is there a run-time configuration I can set in Postgres?

As an addendum to my previous post, you can set the max number of requests
an apache child will process before it is recycled, the setting is called
MaxRequestsPerChild and if you set it to 0 (the default) then apache
processes are never killed unless you have more than the max sitting idle.

Setting it something fairly low, like 20 or 50 or 100 means that the
connections won't last forever, as eventually that child will be killed
off and it's connection will die.

Also, setting StartServers to something low, like 1 will result in more
processes getting recycled.

Re: Hwo to set timeout for PHP persistent connections

On Mon, 3 Mar 2003, scott.marlowe wrote:

> On 3 Mar 2003, Gabriele Bartolini wrote:
> > Ciao guys,
> >
> >    I need to set a reasonable low value of timeout for inactive
> > connections, as they seem to stay up when a PHP script calls a
> > pg_pconnect on the database server.
> >
> >    As its main purpose is to serve a Web application, I'd love
> > connections to get close after 10-15 seconds of inactivity.
> >
> >    Is there a run-time configuration I can set in Postgres?
> As an addendum to my previous post, you can set the max number of requests
> an apache child will process before it is recycled, the setting is called
> MaxRequestsPerChild and if you set it to 0 (the default) then apache
> processes are never killed unless you have more than the max sitting idle.
> Setting it something fairly low, like 20 or 50 or 100 means that the
> connections won't last forever, as eventually that child will be killed
> off and it's connection will die.
> Also, setting StartServers to something low, like 1 will result in more
> processes getting recycled.

Man, I've got serious fat fingers today, that should be spareservers, not
start servers...