Обсуждение: ANN: EMS PostgreSQL Query and PostgreSQL Extract released


ANN: EMS PostgreSQL Query and PostgreSQL Extract released

admitriev@ems-hitech.com (EMS HiTech Team)
EMS HiTech is pleased to announce the new software: PostgreSQL Query -
a powerful tool for visual query building and executing and PostgreSQL
Extract - small but useful utility for creating database backups.

You can download trial versions of these products at:

What is PostgreSQL Query?

EMS PostgreSQL Query is an utility for quick and simple building SQL
queries to PostgreSQL databases. Visual building as well as direct
editing of a query text is available. User-friendly graphical
interface allows you to connect to databases, select tables and fields
for a query, set the selection criteria and many more. You can work
with several queries at once, edit queries and view the execution
results in several modes and perform any other operations you may need
in your work with database queries.

Main features:

- selecting tables and fields for a query visually by drag&drop;
- possibility of working with several queries in separate windows;
- registering databases for working with the required databases only;
- multiple database connections;
- history of recently used queries with a possibility of navigating
between them and selecting the required queries;
- syntax highlight, "quick code" and keyboard templates for faster
editing query text;
- fully customizable interface, including interface language;
- and many more features...

What is PostgreSQL Extract?

EMS PostgreSQL Extract is a powerful and easy-to-use utility for
creating database backups in form of SQL scripts. It allows you to
save metadata of all database objects as well as table data. With
flexible customization of the extract process you can select objects
and data tables for extract and tune many other extract options.
PostgreSQL Extract includes a graphical wizard, guiding you through
the extract process step by step, and a command-line service for
creating backups in one-touch.

Main features:

- connecting to the server and selecting databases easily;
- extracting metadata either from single or multiple databases at a
- possibility of selecting the extracted database objects;
- extracting table data to SQL script as INSERT statements with
possibility to select data tables;
- saving/loading templates with all the extract parameters and
- console application for extracting metadata and data using the
template file;
- and more...

See http://www.pgsqlutils.com for details and screenshots.

We hope you will like our new software. Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,
EMS HiTech Team

Re: ANN: EMS PostgreSQL Query and PostgreSQL Extract released

Guy Fraser
These two products appear to be only for Windows :<(

EMS HiTech Team wrote:

>EMS HiTech is pleased to announce the new software: PostgreSQL Query -
>a powerful tool for visual query building and executing and PostgreSQL
>Extract - small but useful utility for creating database backups.
>You can download trial versions of these products at:

Re: ANN: EMS PostgreSQL Query and PostgreSQL Extract released

"EMS HiTech"
Guy Fraser wrote:

> These two products appear to be only for Windows :<(

It's true, PostgreSQL Query is currently released for Windows only. But
Extract is a cross-platform utility for Windows and Linux.

You can find Linux package of PostgreSQL Extract at:
or following the direct link:

Best Regards,
EMS HiTech Team