Обсуждение: Index/Seq Scan Problem


Index/Seq Scan Problem

"Chris Cox"
Hi all,

Now I know you're all cringing at the subject.  I've been trying to resolve this as
much as I can by reading through the many many other posts of similar problems, but
I'm at the end of my tether.

Here's the scenario.

Firstly, I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2 - I know it's a bit behind in the updates, and if
you think upgrading will solve the problem, great, but I have my doubts - particularly
being a production environment. I have a table with 597041 rows.  It contains 14
columns, 10 are int4, 4 are int8.  It has a three-column primary key on three of the
int8 columns.  The definition is as follows:

       Column       |  Type   |     Modifiers
 playerid           | bigint  | not null
 teamid             | bigint  | not null
 gameid             | bigint  | not null
 completegameteamid | bigint  | not null default 0
 nsendoff           | integer | not null default 0
 nsinbin            | integer | not null default 0
 bcaptain           | integer | not null default 0
 bgoalkicker        | integer | not null default 0
 npts               | integer | not null default 0
 nfwdtries          | integer | not null default 0
 nfieldgoals        | integer | not null default 0
 ngoals             | integer | not null default 0
 ntries             | integer | not null default 0
 teammakeupid       | integer | not null

There are two indexes:
ix_completegameteam_gameteam (on gameid, teamid)
ix_completegameteam_game (on gameid)

Plus of course the primary key on gameid, teamid, playerid. completegameteamid used to
be the primary key using a sequence, but I got rid of it since it served no purpose.

Each combination of gameid, teamid has 0-17 rows associated with it, guaranteed.
Therefore, the index on gameid, teamid should, as far as I can tell, always return 17
or less rows, and should be easily the most efficient means to pick up the data.

The entire database has a regular schedule of VACUUM ANALYZE, run nightly.

Here's an explain result on a basic query:

explain analyze select * from completegameteam where gameid = 40292 and teamid = 1747;

Seq Scan on completegameteam  (cost=0.00..16917.12 rows=1 width=72) (actual
time=330.82..799.46 rows=17 loops=1)
Total runtime: 799.58 msec


On increasing the statistics for gameid and teamid from 10 to 100 and doing an
analyze, the explain analyze changes:

explain analyze select * from completegameteam where gameid = 40292 and teamid = 1747;

Seq Scan on completegameteam  (cost=0.00..16917.12 rows=1 width=72) (actual
time=378.29..1743.27 rows=17 loops=1)
Total runtime: 1743.39 msec


On turning off sequence scans:

=# set enable_seqscan = 0;
# explain analyze select * from completegameteam where gameid = 40292 and teamid =

Seq Scan on completegameteam  (cost=100000000.00..100016917.12 rows=1 width=72)
(actual time=330.05..2698.87 rows=17 loops=1)
Total runtime: 2698.97 msec


I'm really getting stuck on this.  I even ran a CLUSTER on the table on the gameid,
teamid index hoping that would help but to no avail.

Any advice?  Any more information I need to supply?



Re: Index/Seq Scan Problem

"Chris Cox"
Found my own problem!  I didn't cast the values as bigint on the where.

Sorry to waste your time!


----- Original Message -----
From: "Chris Cox" <cjcox@optushome.com.au>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, April 14, 2003 11:42 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] Index/Seq Scan Problem

> Hi all,
> Now I know you're all cringing at the subject.  I've been trying to resolve this as
> much as I can by reading through the many many other posts of similar problems, but
> I'm at the end of my tether.
> Here's the scenario.
> Firstly, I'm using PostgreSQL 7.2 - I know it's a bit behind in the updates, and if
> you think upgrading will solve the problem, great, but I have my doubts -
> being a production environment. I have a table with 597041 rows.  It contains 14
> columns, 10 are int4, 4 are int8.  It has a three-column primary key on three of the
> int8 columns.  The definition is as follows:
>        Column       |  Type   |     Modifiers
> --------------------+---------+--------------------
>  playerid           | bigint  | not null
>  teamid             | bigint  | not null
>  gameid             | bigint  | not null
>  completegameteamid | bigint  | not null default 0
>  nsendoff           | integer | not null default 0
>  nsinbin            | integer | not null default 0
>  bcaptain           | integer | not null default 0
>  bgoalkicker        | integer | not null default 0
>  npts               | integer | not null default 0
>  nfwdtries          | integer | not null default 0
>  nfieldgoals        | integer | not null default 0
>  ngoals             | integer | not null default 0
>  ntries             | integer | not null default 0
>  teammakeupid       | integer | not null
> There are two indexes:
> ix_completegameteam_gameteam (on gameid, teamid)
> ix_completegameteam_game (on gameid)
> Plus of course the primary key on gameid, teamid, playerid. completegameteamid used
> be the primary key using a sequence, but I got rid of it since it served no purpose.
> Each combination of gameid, teamid has 0-17 rows associated with it, guaranteed.
> Therefore, the index on gameid, teamid should, as far as I can tell, always return
> or less rows, and should be easily the most efficient means to pick up the data.
> The entire database has a regular schedule of VACUUM ANALYZE, run nightly.
> Here's an explain result on a basic query:
> explain analyze select * from completegameteam where gameid = 40292 and teamid =
> Seq Scan on completegameteam  (cost=0.00..16917.12 rows=1 width=72) (actual
> time=330.82..799.46 rows=17 loops=1)
> Total runtime: 799.58 msec
> On increasing the statistics for gameid and teamid from 10 to 100 and doing an
> analyze, the explain analyze changes:
> explain analyze select * from completegameteam where gameid = 40292 and teamid =
> Seq Scan on completegameteam  (cost=0.00..16917.12 rows=1 width=72) (actual
> time=378.29..1743.27 rows=17 loops=1)
> Total runtime: 1743.39 msec
> On turning off sequence scans:
> =# set enable_seqscan = 0;
> # explain analyze select * from completegameteam where gameid = 40292 and teamid =
> 1747;
> Seq Scan on completegameteam  (cost=100000000.00..100016917.12 rows=1 width=72)
> (actual time=330.05..2698.87 rows=17 loops=1)
> Total runtime: 2698.97 msec
> I'm really getting stuck on this.  I even ran a CLUSTER on the table on the gameid,
> teamid index hoping that would help but to no avail.
> Any advice?  Any more information I need to supply?
> Thanks,
> Chris
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

Re: Index/Seq Scan Problem

Tom Lane
"Chris Cox" <cjcox@optushome.com.au> writes:
> Found my own problem!  I didn't cast the values as bigint on the where.

Right-o.  You shouldn't have to do that --- but we're still going round
and round about how to implicitly cast integer constants to the "right"
width.  All of the proposals so far have proven to create new problems

            regards, tom lane