Обсуждение: New DBTools Manager 2.1.0


New DBTools Manager 2.1.0

"Crercio O. Silva"
We are pleased to announce the new release 2.1.0. This is a major bug fix
with some new features. Check out the list of changes:

  a.. Added Metadata View
  b.. Completely new code for Query Designer, not it supports full drag and
drop, select a relationship and remove it, scrollbars activated
  c.. Added support to quote objects name for PostgreSQL and MySQL
  d.. Added new dialog to add or edit columns without using the table
  e.. Added PostgreSQL domains and schemas (Namespaces)
  f.. Completely new Grid Control code, now using a professional component
which improves the speed
  g.. Added a Memo Editor to the Output Window
  h.. Added SQL Output
  i.. Added Type Conversion Manager, which will allow you to edit the
conversion from one engine to another, to fits your needs
  j.. Fixed the following bugs in the Table Editor: high consume of
processor time and memory, table name dialog not being activated
  k.. Fixed bug in the Datasheet View when in Edit Mode: some rows weren't
saved correctly to the table
  l.. Added more information to the Import Data Wizard which shows detailed
information about the process when finished
  m.. If changed the row limit in the toolbar it's now permanent
  n.. Fixed bug in the Datasheet View when exporting results (one row was
  o.. Change the look and feel of the application on the fly. Options
available are: normal (MSOffice 97), Windows 2000/Office XP and Windows XP
(requires Windows XP)
  p.. Added support to import data from older catalogs. It imports queries,
servers, relationships, import and export wizards.
  q.. Fixed bug in the Drag and Drop which was causing crashes of the
  r.. And many improvements

I would like to thank all people who helped to fix some of the problems
mentioned or for the new features request

The new release is available for download right now at
http://www.dbtools.com.br/EN/downloads.php, but have in mind that some of
the mirrors are still not updated.

DBTools Development Team