Обсуждение: The best


The best

"Saravanan Thulukanam"
Can you experts out there tell me whether MySQL is great or PostgreSQL is great.

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Re: The best

Richard Huxton
On Thursday 29 May 2003 7:55 am, Saravanan Thulukanam wrote:
> Can you experts out there tell me whether MySQL is great or PostgreSQL is
> great.

Both can be "great" depending on your evaluation criteria. Most people on this
list will prefer PostgreSQL otherwise they wouldn't be here. Look carefully
at your requirements, decide what feature-set you need (degree of transaction
support, schemas, views, rules, triggers, procedural languages etc.) and then
do some performance testing on sample data and hardware. Finally,
availablility and licencing issues will need to be considered (read the MySQL
page on commercial usage). Oh - be sceptical about any benchmarks you see
that haven't been produced by yourself.

If that answer is vague, then I'm afraid so was the question.


  Richard Huxton

Re: The best

On Thu, 29 May 2003, Saravanan Thulukanam wrote:

> Can you experts out there tell me whether MySQL is great or PostgreSQL
> is great.

Yes, they are both great.

MySQL is designed as a high speed data storage system with minimal
relational capabilities and almost non-existent contraint capabilities.
While they are adding some transactional features, MySQL is still far
behind Postgresql in transactional terms.

Postgresql is designed as a highly versatile relational database with a
focus on getting the data right at all costs and providing the database
developer with a feature full environment.

While you can use Postgresql in the place of MySQL for many tasks, there
are many tasks for which MySQL simply cannot replace Postgresql unless
you're willing to do a large amount of coding outside MySQL to make up for
the shortcomings.

Since database speed has never been an issue for the stuff I do, I've
never needed to sacrifice the rich environment of Postgresql for the
faster one of MySQL in production.

Re: The best

Tony Grant
On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 18:28, scott.marlowe wrote:

> MySQL is designed as a high speed data storage system with minimal
> relational capabilities and almost non-existent contraint capabilities.
> Since database speed has never been an issue for the stuff I do, I've
> never needed to sacrifice the rich environment of Postgresql for the
> faster one of MySQL in production.

I would add to that - recent versions of PostgreSQL are not slow. And it
makes a great back end for second generation webapps.

Speed is no longer an issue.


Tony Grant
www.tgds.net Library management software toolkit,
redhat linux on Sony Vaio C1XD,
Dreamweaver MX with Tomcat and PostgreSQL

Re: The best

Ron Johnson
On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 13:20, Tony Grant wrote:
> On Mon, 2003-06-02 at 18:28, scott.marlowe wrote:
> > MySQL is designed as a high speed data storage system with minimal
> > relational capabilities and almost non-existent contraint capabilities.
> ...
> > Since database speed has never been an issue for the stuff I do, I've
> > never needed to sacrifice the rich environment of Postgresql for the
> > faster one of MySQL in production.
> I would add to that - recent versions of PostgreSQL are not slow. And it
> makes a great back end for second generation webapps.
> Speed is no longer an issue.

When your join predicate "halves" both use the same datatype.

Also, the common aggregates are still pretty slow, not withstanding
the "hash aggregator" that should come out in 7.4 which still scans
the whole table instead of using supporting indexes.

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