Обсуждение: FW: Foreign keys


FW: Foreign keys

Benjamin Jury
> I have foreign keys set up so that if, for example, a record
> in customer
> is deleted, the corresponding records in the customer_addresses table
> are also removed. However, I can't find a way of ensuring
> records in the
> address table are deleted too, given that lots of different
> tables will
> reference address.id.
> What I'd like is for records in the address table to be automatically
> deleted at the end of each transaction if nothing references them any
> more. Is there any way to achieve this?

You could set up a function which returns how many references a specific
address has (or even better simply if it has any other references). Then
using a trigger or another function to delete customers, suppliers etc could
use the first function to find out if it can delete the original address.

Ps: Must remember to reply to list not just the original poster! Doh!