Обсуждение: convert database to unicode


convert database to unicode

David Lutz
Hello,  I want to convert an existing database with
SQL_ASCII encoding to UNICODE encoding.

(postgresql ver 7.3.2)

I thought that it might be as easy as:
pg_dump mydatabase > dump.sql
createdb --encoding=unicode newdatabase
psql newdatabase < dump.sql

but it wasn't going to be that easy now was it :-(

I'm getting errors such as:
ERROR:  copy: line 54, Invalid UNICODE character
sequence found (0xe46765)
lost synchronization with server, resetting connection

Can anyone suggest a way I might be able to do it?
Thanks,   David

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Re: convert database to unicode

Gianni Mariani
David Lutz wrote:

>Hello,  I want to convert an existing database with
>SQL_ASCII encoding to UNICODE encoding.
>(postgresql ver 7.3.2)
>I thought that it might be as easy as:
>pg_dump mydatabase > dump.sql
>createdb --encoding=unicode newdatabase
>psql newdatabase < dump.sql
>but it wasn't going to be that easy now was it :-(
>I'm getting errors such as:
>ERROR:  copy: line 54, Invalid UNICODE character
>sequence found (0xe46765)
>lost synchronization with server, resetting connection
>Can anyone suggest a way I might be able to do it?
>Thanks,   David

You *might* be able to convert dump.sql to unicode.


iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 <  dump.sql > dump-utf-8.sql

If all the bytea chars are appropriately escaped, this may do it.

Can't harm in giving it a go !

Re: convert database to unicode

David Lutz
 --- Gianni Mariani <gianni@mariani.ws> wrote: > David
Lutz wrote:
> >Hello,  I want to convert an existing database with
> >SQL_ASCII encoding to UNICODE encoding.
> >
> >(postgresql ver 7.3.2)
> >
> >I thought that it might be as easy as:
> >pg_dump mydatabase > dump.sql
> >createdb --encoding=unicode newdatabase
> >psql newdatabase < dump.sql
> >
> You *might* be able to convert dump.sql to unicode.
> i.e.
> iconv -f iso8859-1 -t utf-8 <  dump.sql >
> dump-utf-8.sql
> If all the bytea chars are appropriately escaped,
> this may do it.
> Can't harm in giving it a go !

Thanks Gianni,  yes that appears to have worked.
I didn't know about the iconv command.

Cheers,   David

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