Обсуждение: Access - can't close Form


Access - can't close Form

"E. Zorn (RDG-rational) postsql"
i use Access as a frontend via ODBC to an Linux-based postgresql.

I have a problem in a form where I use a lot of subforms. In some
cases ( i couldn't detect when - but I really try to) the form and Access

The only way to close the form is to close Access via "cross" (upper right
If I try then to view once again the form I get the following error message:
"Sie konnen diese Aktion momentan nicht ausfuhren" means : "You counldn't do
this now".

Has anybody an idea - why this is hanging or where i can start to debug.


Re: Access - can't close Form

"Andrew L. Gould"
On Monday 29 September 2003 10:34 am, E. Zorn (RDG-rational) postsql wrote:
> Hi,
> i use Access as a frontend via ODBC to an Linux-based postgresql.
> I have a problem in a form where I use a lot of subforms. In some
> cases ( i couldn't detect when - but I really try to) the form and Access
> hangs.
> The only way to close the form is to close Access via "cross" (upper right
> corner).
> If I try then to view once again the form I get the following error
> message: "Sie konnen diese Aktion momentan nicht ausfuhren" means : "You
> counldn't do this now".
> Has anybody an idea - why this is hanging or where i can start to debug.
> -Elmar
Hmmm. Try the following:

1.  Review the subforms.
     a.  Be careful about inadvertently doing wierd things with table
relationships in queries in subforms.
     b.  Make sure you've linked subforms to forms in a way that's compatible
with table relationships.
     c.  Be very careful about nesting subforms.

2.  Table definitions and relationships.
    a.  Even though you may have created the relationships in PostgreSQL, it's
good to define them in MS Access as well.
    b.  Make sure all bit fields (including/especially boolean fields) are
defined with 'not null' and a default value in PostgreSQL.  MS Access is
funny about this.
    c.  When you link to tables that do not have primary keys in MS Access, it
will ask you to define a primary key so that Access can identify unique rows.
If possible/appropriate, do so.

3.  ODBC:
    a.  It is important to use the latest version of pgsqlodbc.  Start here:
    b.  Make sure you've selected the options for "Declare/Fetch" and "True is

Best of luck,

Andrew Gould

Re: Access - can't close Form

Fabrizio Mazzoni
Hi .. i have the same problem ..

If i left forms open i would get the same error and could not close them unless i would change to design mode ..

and solved it this way :

In the access db open the database then in the menu open Tools --> Options Then go in then Advanced section and set the
ODBCUpdate interval to 32766 (instead of 1500) 

Next run regedit on the windows machine that opens the db and go to the following key:

HKLM --> Software --> Microsoft --> Jet --> 4.0 --> ODBC and change the following key : (If you use access 97 than jet
willbe 3.5 and not 4.0) 

Connection Timeout from 600 to 0 (Remember to use decimal and not hexadecimal when you edit)

It took me about 5 motnhs to understand this problem but finally it worked!!!

Best Regards,

Fabrizio Mazzoni
Macron Srl

On Mon, 29 Sep 2003 17:34:22 +0200
"E. Zorn (RDG-rational) postsql" <postsql@rdg-rational.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> i use Access as a frontend via ODBC to an Linux-based postgresql.
> I have a problem in a form where I use a lot of subforms. In some
> cases ( i couldn't detect when - but I really try to) the form and Access
> hangs.
> The only way to close the form is to close Access via "cross" (upper right
> corner).
> If I try then to view once again the form I get the following error message:
> "Sie konnen diese Aktion momentan nicht ausfuhren" means : "You counldn't do
> this now".
> Has anybody an idea - why this is hanging or where i can start to debug.
> -Elmar
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