Обсуждение: drop user question


drop user question

I have create user PIPPO:

I have create a table:
create table aa (id int4);
Change owner of table to  user PIPPO.
alter table aa owner pippo;

I drop user  PIPPO. Who is the owner of the table?


Bye !!
Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

       /\_ _/\
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Re: drop user question

Rob Storrs
According to my test (pg 7.2.4), the owner of the table will be null
after the user PIPPO is dropped.

test=# \dt aa
   List of relations
  Name | Type  | Owner
  aa   | table | pippo

test=# drop user PIPPO;

test=# \dt aa
   List of relations
  Name | Type  | Owner
  aa   | table |

Hope that helps.

ps. I had to change the syntax of your alter table statement to "alter
table aa owner to pippo;" for it to work.

frank_lupo wrote:

> I have create user PIPPO:
> I have create a table:
> create table aa (id int4);
> Change owner of table to  user PIPPO.
> alter table aa owner pippo;
> I drop user  PIPPO. Who is the owner of the table?
> Thanks.
> Bye !!
> Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!
>        /\_ _/\
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Re: drop user question

Alvaro Herrera
On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 04:45:10PM -0800, Rob Storrs wrote:
> According to my test (pg 7.2.4), the owner of the table will be null
> after the user PIPPO is dropped.

That's what it seems, but in reality the owner is the ID the PIPPO had.
If you create another user with the same ID, he will be the new owner of
the table.

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]dcc.uchile.cl>)
"No hay ausente sin culpa ni presente sin disculpa" (Prov. francés)

Re: drop user question

> On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 04:45:10PM -0800, Rob Storrs wrote:
> > According to my test (pg 7.2.4), the owner of the table will be null
> > after the user PIPPO is dropped.
> That's what it seems, but in reality the owner is the ID the PIPPO had.
> If you create another user with the same ID, he will be the new owner of
> the table.
In other database is not possible drop user if user have permision on object database.
> --
> Alvaro Herrera ()
> "No hay ausente sin culpa ni presente sin disculpa" (Prov. francés)
Bye !!
Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!

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Re: drop user question

> > On Mon, Nov 10, 2003 at 04:45:10PM -0800, Rob Storrs wrote:
> > > According to my test (pg 7.2.4), the owner of the table will be null
> > > after the user PIPPO is dropped.
> >
> > That's what it seems, but in reality the owner is the ID the PIPPO had.
> > If you create another user with the same ID, he will be the new owner of
> > the table.

> Thanks,
> In other database is not possible drop user if user have permision on object database.
Sorry, if user have owner no permision.
> > --
> > Alvaro Herrera ()
> > "No hay ausente sin culpa ni presente sin disculpa" (Prov. francés)
> >

Bye !!
Frank Lupo (Wolf) !!
/\_ _/\
\ o o /

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