Обсуждение: [Fwd: [Gllug] Next GLLUG Meeting, 6 December 2003]


[Fwd: [Gllug] Next GLLUG Meeting, 6 December 2003]

Peter Childs
    Thought this might intrest any Postgres Users in the South East
England area.
    The main talk at this meeting is on Postgres Vs MySql.

Peter Childs

-------- Original Message --------
Subject:     [Gllug] Next GLLUG Meeting, 6 December 2003
Date:     Wed, 26 Nov 2003 19:09:50 +0000
From:     Zachary Struhs <gllugadmin@gllug.org.uk>
Reply-To:     gllugadmin@gllug.org.uk, Greater London Linux Users Group
To:     gllug@linux.co.uk

That's right, there is a GLLUG meeting on Saturday 6th December 2003, between
12noon and 5pm.

We will be meeting in the New Cavendish Street campus of Westminster
University. This is in the shadow of the BT Tower, the nearest tube stations
are Great Portland Street, Warren Street and Goodge Street. You will find a
map at [ http://www.wmin.ac.uk/static/maps.asp ] or via www.streetmap.co.uk

NOTE: you will need to sign in at the front desk to gain access to the
building. There are building works at the moment but we'll post signs if the
entrance has moved.


12:00 - 12:45

Welcome and Introduction.
also opportunity to try and debug overhead projectors :-)

12:45 - 14:30

Tushar Joshi - PostgresSQL 7.4 Vs. MySQL 4.1

With databases being used in the backend of most systems nowadays and the
emergence of open source database as a viable alternative to bespoke and
proprietary systems, Tushar will be analysing two most commonly used open
source databases. The talk will start with an overview of general database
technology before focusing on the pros and cons of each database with a bias
on application development.

14:30 - 15:00


15:00 - 16:45

Steve Coast - Mapping the Internet

16:45 - 17:00

Closing announcements

Do please be aware that we can't guarantee that the talks will happen at the
times stated, but we will do our best to make sure they do.

Other activities

The network lab, as it is known, can be used for rolling demos of Linux being
installations and to experiment with configuration.

We also have the Multimedia room. This will be used for people to set is up
their own machines. You can do this if you have something to show off, or you
are looking for a solution to some problems. If your are bringing in your own
machine, make sure you sign it in when you arrive, otherwise security won't
let you take it when you go! We'll have monitors, keyboards, mice, and
powerleads available. [So no need to lug all that stuff].

We will have access to some of the latest iso images and a CD-Burner.

If you decide to bring a PC, please have the serial number written down ahead
of time, in case it needs to be registered at the ground floor Reception. We
may also take a picture of you and your PC as proof of ownership.

The network lab and the multimedia room are the places you can go to, should
you be looking for sanctuary away from the formal talks. If we're lucky the
Refectory on the ground floor will have its food and drinks machines


After the meeting, for those that want, the group will move off to 'The Green
Man' public house, very close to Great Portland Street. Even if you were
unable to make the daytime meeting, please feel free to join us at the pub.

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