Обсуждение: postmaster growing to consume all memory


postmaster growing to consume all memory

Lincoln Yeoh

I recently upgraded to postgresql 7.4 and I am having a problem with
postmaster using lots of memory for a query (keeps growing even up to
400MB+ till I stop postgresql ). I don't recall this ever happening with
7.3 with the exact same query but on different data (just as much data tho,
or even more). Happened on 7.4 so I upgraded to 7.4.1. Is HashAggregate
something new in 7.4? If I have time and disk space I'll downgrade to 7.3.3
and see if it happens there. How do I configure a memory consumption limit
on a 7.4 postgresql without killing it?

I believe postgresql.conf is 7.4.1 default.
md5sum= 75ffabc3e90457bd9d6e4ce649e17b6e  postgresql.conf

Problem query:
select ip_saddr,count(*),sum(ip_totlen) from cust_ulog
where true
group by ip_saddr order by sum(ip_totlen) desc limit 10

Results from Explain:
  Limit  (cost=335158.05..335158.08 rows=10 width=13)
    ->  Sort  (cost=335158.05..335161.65 rows=1440 width=13)
          Sort Key: sum(ip_totlen)
          ->  HashAggregate  (cost=335075.31..335082.51 rows=1440 width=13)
                ->  Seq Scan on cust_ulog  (cost=0.00..264115.32
rows=9461332 width=13)
(5 rows)

select count(*) from cust_ulog ;
(1 row)

Time: 51922.612 ms

Table definition:
                 Table "public.cust_ulog"
     Column    |            Type             | Modifiers
  id           | integer                     |
  oob_time_sec | timestamp without time zone |
  oob_prefix   | text                        |
  oob_in       | text                        |
  oob_out      | text                        |
  ip_saddr     | inet                        |
  ip_daddr     | inet                        |
  ip_totlen    | smallint                    |
  ip_ttl       | smallint                    |
  ip_id        | integer                     |
  ip_protocol  | smallint                    |
  ip_tos       | smallint                    |
  tcp_sport    | integer                     |
  tcp_dport    | integer                     |
  tcp_seq      | bigint                      |
  tcp_ack_seq  | bigint                      |
  tcp_ack      | boolean                     |
  tcp_rst      | boolean                     |
  tcp_psh      | boolean                     |
  tcp_syn      | boolean                     |
  tcp_fin      | boolean                     |
  tcp_window   | integer                     |
  tcp_urgp     | integer                     |
  udp_sport    | integer                     |
  udp_dport    | integer                     |
  udp_len      | smallint                    |
  icmp_type    | smallint                    |
  icmp_code    | smallint                    |
  icmp_echoid  | bigint                      |
  icmp_echoseq | bigint                      |

psql -V
psql (PostgreSQL) 7.4.1
contains support for command-line editing

select version();
  PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
(1 row)

Output from: top
   3:13pm  up  1:14,  5 users,  load average: 0.90, 0.33, 0.36
81 processes: 79 sleeping, 2 running, 0 zombie, 0 stopped
CPU states: 18.5% user,  8.3% system,  0.0% nice, 73.0% idle
Mem:   254572K av,  250124K used,    4448K free,       0K shrd,     288K buff
Swap:  522072K av,   92756K used,  429316K free                   21048K cached

16084 postgres  18   0  258M 217M 23868 D    24.7 87.6   0:20 postmaster

Output from: vmstat 2
    procs                      memory    swap          io     system
  r  b  w   swpd   free   buff  cache  si  so    bi    bo   in    cs  us
sy  id
  0  1  0  71720   4388    504  18172 328
154  1629   200  171   123  10   2  87
  1  0  0  75560   4352    464  19492 2154 1416
10730  1416  442   401  21  11  67
  1  0  2  77992   4444    456  20568 2062
1498  9170  1504  412   373  13   9  78
  0  1  0  80552   4372    284  20944 1878 1412
11158  1426  430   485  17   8  75
  0  1  0  81704   4456    284  21884 1946
956  9114   956  395   345  13   8  79
  1  0  0  83496   4408    292  22420 2096 412
10864   418  423   406  18   8  74
  1  0  0  85540   4384    304  21936 1664
1218  9828  1218  400   387  16   9  75
  0  1  0  86140   4352    296  22688 1672 522
11016   528  422   370  18   7  75
  1  0  0  87696   4376    288  21376 1998 852
11086   856  437   393  19   8  73
  0  1  0  89592   4444    288  21900 1686 1132
12118  1132  434   416  21   8  71
  1  0  0  92512   4360    296  21396 1792 1262
11456  1268  429   393  18   5  77
  0  2  1  94316   4324    292  21640 2172 508
10644   508  407   402  16  11  72
  0  1  0  97160   4436    300  23504 1752 1302
12548  1308  427   455  24   9  67
  1  0  0 100096   4428    292  23660 1542 1994
10374  1994  409   373  14   8  78
  1  0  0 102848   4400    292  23700 2022 1708
10280  1708  406   365  12   9  79
  1  0  0 105620   4456    292  25524 2028 1434
12396  1434  431   435  22   8  69
  0  1  0 108248   4404    292  26200 2162 1068
12402  1068  437   409  24   8  68

Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 03:42:09PM +0800, Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently upgraded to postgresql 7.4 and I am having a problem with
> postmaster using lots of memory for a query (keeps growing even up to
> 400MB+ till I stop postgresql ). I don't recall this ever happening with
> 7.3 with the exact same query but on different data (just as much data tho,
> or even more). Happened on 7.4 so I upgraded to 7.4.1. Is HashAggregate
> something new in 7.4? If I have time and disk space I'll downgrade to 7.3.3
> and see if it happens there. How do I configure a memory consumption limit
> on a 7.4 postgresql without killing it?

How many distinct IPs are there? The planner estimating around 1500.

Is it much more than that?

Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> (... have gone from d-i being barely usable even by its developers
> anywhere, to being about 20% done. Sweet. And the last 80% usually takes
> 20% of the time, too, right?) -- Anthony Towns, debian-devel-announce


Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Lincoln Yeoh
There appear to be 1391110 distinct IPs (using 7.3.4). I did a vacuum full
analyze when on 7.4 after loading the data tho.

What is supposed to happen if the planner guesses right?

Would using 7.4 to get the number of distinct IPs trigger the same problem tho?

Anyway I've downgraded to 7.3.4 (dump and restore), and the problem doesn't
occur for same query, same data - postmaster stays around 4.4MB.

Is there a better way to do my query? That particular one is to get the top
ten source ips by bandwidth. But I've other similar ones. In fact the
reason why I upgraded to 7.4 was I thought the new stuff (joins etc) would
make things faster :).

--- Downgraded ---
PostgreSQL 7.3.4 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96

select ip_saddr,count(*),sum(ip_totlen) from cust_ulog
where true
group by ip_saddr order by sum(ip_totlen) desc limit 10;
                                             QUERY PLAN
  Limit  (cost=2992108.50..2992108.53 rows=10 width=34)
    ->  Sort  (cost=2992108.50..2994473.84 rows=946133 width=34)
          Sort Key: sum(ip_totlen)
          ->  Aggregate  (cost=2738283.50..2832896.82 rows=946133 width=34)
                ->  Group  (cost=2738283.50..2785590.16 rows=9461332 width=34)
                      ->  Sort  (cost=2738283.50..2761936.83 rows=9461332
                            Sort Key: ip_saddr
                            ->  Seq Scan on
cust_ulog  (cost=0.00..264077.32 rows=9461332 width=34)
(8 rows)

At 07:41 PM 1/27/2004 +1100, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
>On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 03:42:09PM +0800, Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I recently upgraded to postgresql 7.4 and I am having a problem with
> > postmaster using lots of memory for a query (keeps growing even up to
> > 400MB+ till I stop postgresql ). I don't recall this ever happening with
> > 7.3 with the exact same query but on different data (just as much data
> tho,
> > or even more). Happened on 7.4 so I upgraded to 7.4.1. Is HashAggregate
> > something new in 7.4? If I have time and disk space I'll downgrade to
> 7.3.3
> > and see if it happens there. How do I configure a memory consumption limit
> > on a 7.4 postgresql without killing it?
>How many distinct IPs are there? The planner estimating around 1500.
>Is it much more than that?

Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Tue, Jan 27, 2004 at 06:48:49PM +0800, Lincoln Yeoh wrote:
> There appear to be 1391110 distinct IPs (using 7.3.4). I did a vacuum full
> analyze when on 7.4 after loading the data tho.
> What is supposed to happen if the planner guesses right?

Aah, it seems the statistics were *way* off. It was using the new
HashAggregate code which is more efficient than the Aggregate/Group/Sort
combo when there are a small number of groups. When there are a large number
it takes a lot of memory and gets pretty slow.

I'm afraid I'll have to defer to someone else (Tom?) as why the estimate was
out by three orders of magnitude.

I'd suggest playing around with statistics and seeing if you can work out
why they were so bad.

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> (... have gone from d-i being barely usable even by its developers
> anywhere, to being about 20% done. Sweet. And the last 80% usually takes
> 20% of the time, too, right?) -- Anthony Towns, debian-devel-announce


Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Lincoln Yeoh
[my original reply to this hasn't appeared so I'm posting a shorter one]
At 07:41 PM 1/27/2004 +1100, Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:

> > on a 7.4 postgresql without killing it?
>How many distinct IPs are there? The planner estimating around 1500.
>Is it much more than that?

Yes, about a million distinct IPs.

I downgraded to 7.3.4 and the problem doesn't occur - postmaster stays
about 4.4MB for the same query and same data. I did a vacuum full analyze
with 7.4. Whereas with 7.3 I did a vacuum full, followed by an analyze.

Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Tom Lane
Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org> writes:
> I'm afraid I'll have to defer to someone else (Tom?) as why the estimate was
> out by three orders of magnitude.

I'd like to know that, too.

> I'd suggest playing around with statistics and seeing if you can work out
> why they were so bad.

Could we see the pg_stats row for the ip_saddr column?  Also, does the
estimate get better if you increase the stats target for ip_saddr and

            regards, tom lane

Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Lincoln Yeoh
I'll try to look into that. I'm doing the processing on 7.3.4, so I'll have
to find some spare resources for 7.4.1. Maybe it was a fluke or something.
I did an "overwrite" make install into the same directory as the original
7.3.4 (new data directory though), so maybe I shouldn't have done that?

However, is there a way to get postgresql to handle this more gracefully?
E.g. once it starts using more than max mem it switches or
aborts_and_switches to a more disk based method? Doesn't look easy tho ;).

No offense intended but I doubt the estimator will get things right all the
time (esp if my built-in Murphy Field Intensifier happens to be on).

At 11:25 AM 1/27/2004 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org> writes:
> > I'm afraid I'll have to defer to someone else (Tom?) as why the
> estimate was
> > out by three orders of magnitude.
>I'd like to know that, too.
> > I'd suggest playing around with statistics and seeing if you can work out
> > why they were so bad.
>Could we see the pg_stats row for the ip_saddr column?  Also, does the
>estimate get better if you increase the stats target for ip_saddr and

Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Tom Lane
Lincoln Yeoh <lyeoh@pop.jaring.my> writes:
> No offense intended but I doubt the estimator will get things right all the
> time (esp if my built-in Murphy Field Intensifier happens to be on).

Doesn't mean we shouldn't strive to improve it.  The present code for
estimating number of groups is new in 7.4 and I'm sure there are things
that need to be done to it.  I'd like to think that factor-of-1000
errors on simple cases are not the best we can do.

            regards, tom lane

Re: postmaster growing to consume all memory

Lincoln Yeoh
At 11:25 AM 1/27/2004 -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
>Martijn van Oosterhout <kleptog@svana.org> writes:
> > I'm afraid I'll have to defer to someone else (Tom?) as why the
> estimate was
> > out by three orders of magnitude.
>I'd like to know that, too.
> > I'd suggest playing around with statistics and seeing if you can work out
> > why they were so bad.
>Could we see the pg_stats row for the ip_saddr column?  Also, does the
>estimate get better if you increase the stats target for ip_saddr and
>                         regards, tom lane

OK - the statistics and various queries follow. If n_distinct is the
estimate of unique values then it is still off, but the plan does change.
How does postgresql do the analysis?

select version();
  PostgreSQL 7.4.1 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC 2.96
(1 row)
VACUUM full cust_ulog ;
Time: 96916.323 ms
analyze cust_ulog;
Time: 25969.562 ms
explain select ip_saddr,count(*),sum(ip_totlen) from cust_ulog
where true
group by ip_saddr order by sum(ip_totlen) desc limit 10
  Limit  (cost=331739.22..331739.24 rows=10 width=13)
    ->  Sort  (cost=331739.22..331743.03 rows=1523 width=13)
          Sort Key: sum(ip_totlen)
          ->  HashAggregate  (cost=331651.09..331658.71 rows=1523 width=13)
                ->  Seq Scan on cust_ulog  (cost=0.00..262156.91
rows=9265891 width=13)
(5 rows)

Time: 163.512 ms

select * from pg_stats where tablename ='cust_ulog' and attname='ip_saddr';
  schemaname | tablename | attname  | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct
|                                    most_common_freqs
| correlation

  public     | cust_ulog | ip_saddr |         0 |        11 |       1523 |




|  0.00267716
(1 row)

alter table cust_ulog alter column ip_saddr set statistics 50;
Time: 15.605 ms
analyze cust_ulog;
Time: 51251.862 ms
select correlation,attname from pg_stats where tablename ='cust_ulog'  and
  correlation | attname
    0.0286273 | ip_saddr

select n_distinct from pg_stats where tablename ='cust_ulog' and
(1 row)
Time: 16.134 ms
alter table cust_ulog alter column ip_saddr set statistics 100;
Time: 13.728 ms
analyze cust_ulog;
Time: 55412.288 ms
select n_distinct from pg_stats where tablename ='cust_ulog' and
(1 row)
Time: 26.338 ms

explain select ip_saddr,count(*),sum(ip_totlen) from cust_ulog
where true
group by ip_saddr order by sum(ip_totlen) desc limit 10

  Limit  (cost=2096080.34..2096080.37 rows=10 width=13)
    ->  Sort  (cost=2096080.34..2096112.69 rows=12939 width=13)
          Sort Key: sum(ip_totlen)
          ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=2002684.66..2095196.65 rows=12939 width=13)
                ->  Sort  (cost=2002684.66..2025796.48 rows=9244729 width=13)
                      Sort Key: ip_saddr
                      ->  Seq Scan on cust_ulog  (cost=0.00..261945.29
rows=9244729 width=13)
(7 rows)

Time: 29.819 ms

select * from pg_stats where tablename ='cust_ulog' and attname='ip_saddr';
  schemaname | tablename | attname  | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct
| correlation




  public     | cust_ulog | ip_saddr |         0 |        11 |      12939 |




000133333} |


|   0.0258759
(1 row)

Time: 4.600 ms

select count(*) from cust_ulog ;
(1 row)

Time: 46468.211 ms
fwlogs=# explain select count(distinct(ip_saddr)) from cust_ulog;
                                 QUERY PLAN
  Aggregate  (cost=285057.11..285057.11 rows=1 width=11)
    ->  Seq Scan on cust_ulog  (cost=0.00..261945.29 rows=9244729 width=11)
(2 rows)

Time: 1.087 ms
fwlogs=# select count(distinct(ip_saddr)) from cust_ulog;
(1 row)

Time: 226998.021 ms

***Version 7.3.4 statistics:
  select * from pg_stats where tablename ='cust_ulog' and attname='ip_saddr'
  schemaname | tablename | attname  | null_frac | avg_width | n_distinct
|                                 most_common_freqs
| correlation

  public     | hlbb_ulog | ip_saddr |         0 |        12 |       1643 |




|   0.0245979