Обсуждение: Interest in database-based email?


Interest in database-based email?

"Chris Travers"
Hi all;

Just as an anouncement, I am working on developing a PostgreSQL-based
mailbox driver for tpop3d (a GPL'd POP3 server).  My general plan is to use
this as a connector to the email components for my CRM software (HERMES).
Eventually I will be adding IMAP and SMTP support as well.

Do people see a need for using databases to store business emails?  In my
case, there is a definite need, but is this something which has a broader
appeal?  If calendaring and todo support were to be added (RFC 2445-2447),
would people see this as a viable replacement for exchange

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Re: Interest in database-based email?

Tino Wildenhain
Hi Chris,

Chris Travers wrote:
> Hi all;
> Just as an anouncement, I am working on developing a PostgreSQL-based
> mailbox driver for tpop3d (a GPL'd POP3 server).  My general plan is to use
> this as a connector to the email components for my CRM software (HERMES).
> Eventually I will be adding IMAP and SMTP support as well.
> Do people see a need for using databases to store business emails?  In my
> case, there is a definite need, but is this something which has a broader
> appeal?  If calendaring and todo support were to be added (RFC 2445-2447),
> would people see this as a viable replacement for exchange
> (PostgreSQL/Email/LDAP/iCalendar)?
Is this compareable to DBMail?

Tino Wildenhain

Re: Interest in database-based email?

"Chris Travers"
Hi Tino;

I hadn't been aware of dbmail, and I will have to further check this out.  I
started with tpop3d because I found it to be extensible (I can also write a
driver to authenticate against the HERMES database itself, if I so desire),
compact, and the code easy to read.  It would, however, be nice to avoid
worrying about SMTP and IMAP servers as well, though.

One thing I noticed about DBMAIL was that it didn't seem to have many docs
on their site.  Maybe I will have to download it and play with it though.
See how easy it would be to extend.

Best Wishes,
Chris Travers

Re: Interest in database-based email?

Shridhar Daithankar
Chris Travers wrote:
> Hi all;
> Just as an anouncement, I am working on developing a PostgreSQL-based
> mailbox driver for tpop3d (a GPL'd POP3 server).  My general plan is to use
> this as a connector to the email components for my CRM software (HERMES).
> Eventually I will be adding IMAP and SMTP support as well.
> Do people see a need for using databases to store business emails?  In my
> case, there is a definite need, but is this something which has a broader
> appeal?  If calendaring and todo support were to be added (RFC 2445-2447),
> would people see this as a viable replacement for exchange
> (PostgreSQL/Email/LDAP/iCalendar)?

Did you check dbmail? I think it does similar thing.

See http://www.dbmai.org
