Обсуждение: Specifying a index


Specifying a index

lima_caetano@yahoo.com.br (Marcio Caetano)
Hello !

Consider the examples bellow:

1- I create a table named TBA with columns ( A int , B char(10) )
2- I create an B-Tree index named IDXA using the column A
3- I create an GIST (or other) index named IDXB using the column A

So, I ask you:

Is it possible specify which index (IDXA or IDXB) my SELECT will use in a query ?
If so, how ?

Thanks in advance.

Marcio Caetano.

Re: Specifying a index

Tom Lane
lima_caetano@yahoo.com.br (Marcio Caetano) writes:
> 1- I create a table named TBA with columns ( A int , B char(10) )
> 2- I create an B-Tree index named IDXA using the column A
> 3- I create an GIST (or other) index named IDXB using the column A

> Is it possible specify which index (IDXA or IDXB) my SELECT will use in a query ?

No, not directly, but why would you create duplicate indexes?  It would
be reasonable to have two indexes on the same column if they supported
different operator classes, but in that case the operator used in a
particular query would determine which index is applicable.

            regards, tom lane