Обсуждение: Setting up Postgresql on Linux


Setting up Postgresql on Linux

phil campaigne
On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, phil campaigne wrote:

>> Nigel J. Andrews wrote:
>>> >On Mon, 1 Mar 2004, Phil Campaigne wrote:
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>> >>Hello,
>>>> >>I originally installed postgresql as root user and now I am setting up a
>>>> >>development environment with cvs and a java ide and tomcat. I have
>>>> >>everything with the exception of postgresql integreted using a non-root
>>>> >>user.
>>>> >>THe process I am using is  to logon as postges and start the database
>>>> >>and do queries from the command line using psql. Then I logoff and logon
>>>> >>as phil and start tomcat and my java ide.
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >I'm a little confused as to what you are trying to accomplish.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>> >>1.Is there a better way to start the database and the web application?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >Can't you just start postgresql and tomcat?
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>> >>2. During setup of postgresql I chown and ghgrp the /usr/local/pgsql
>>>> >>directoy tree to postgres?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >A little strange but perfectly acceptable if that's how you want it; I install
>>> >all software under /usr/local as a special software manager, although I'm not
>>> >sure if I'd bother chown-ing an existing directory tree to non-root.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>> >>3.However my development environment(i.e. jdbc connection from my
>>>> >>application) doesn't seem to have permission to access to all the files
>>>> >>it needs in postgres?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >What's the error message? I'm not a jdbc person but I suspect from the
>>> >preceding comments that you're not running the postmaster or jdbc requires a
>>> >tcp connection and you haven't configured postgresql to allow that.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>>> >>4. Is is best to install postgresql as user "phil" in order to gain
>>>> >>access for my integrated develoment environment?
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>> >
>>> >You can install postgresql as whatever user you want, all it requires is that
>>> >it runs as a non-root user, and has the proper ownership etc on it's data
>>> >directory.
>>> >
>>> >First, I would do a: ps axu | grep post
>>> >and see if the postmaster is running. If not nad this is not supposed to run as
>>> >a normal service use:
>>> >
>>> >pg_ctl -l /path/to/a/logfile \
>>> >    -D /path/to/data/directory/initialised/with/initdb \
>>> >    start
>>> >
>>> >Start Tomcat. If after doing whatever to setup and use jdbc to access your
>>> >database (for testing you may want to createdb testdb) you still don't get any
>>> >connection set tcpip_socket to true in postgres.conf in the data directory and
>>> >stop and start postgresql using pg_ctl. Also look in the Tomcat logs and in
>>> >/path/to/a/logfile. While editing postgres.conf you may also want to look at
>>> >the log_ settings and enable a few to see what is happening in more detail.
>>> >
>>> >The postgresql documentation is at http://www.postgresql.org/doc/ and
>>> >unfortunately I can't be more specific with urls since the domain falls into to
>>> >large IP block I block completely due to the excessive number of speculative
>>> >probes of my systems (not postgresql.org addresses I hasten to add). In deed,
>>> >this email will probably not reach the list, I wish I know what causes the
>>> >switch from that working to not working.
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>>> >
>> Hi Nigel,
>> I have had a devil oaf a time with file permissions.   I don't think I
>> know how to set them up for application that have been installed by root
>> user.  Here's what I have done to make things work for user postgres:
>> change in /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgresql.conf
>> #tcpip_socket = true
>>  LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/lib
>>   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH
>>  PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH
>>   export PATH
>> touch /tmp/postgresql.log
>> set permissions on /tmp/postgresql.log to postgres
>> mkdir /usr/local/pgsql/data
>>  chown -R postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgsql/data
>> chown -R postgres:postgres /usr/local/pgsql/lib
>>   su - postgres
>>   /usr/local/pgsql/bin/initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
>> pg_ctl start -D /usr/local/pgsql/data -o "-i" -l /tmp/postgresql.log
>> /usr/local/pgsql/bin/createdb -h localhost -U postgres hardwoodthunder
>> psql -h localhost -U postgres hardwoodthunder
>> Now if I try to run my web app from user phil in my ide using tomcat I
>> think I am getting file permission errors.

Phil, backtrack a bit...you can't edit postgres.conf until you've done an
initdb because initdb initialises the data directory, including postgres.conf,
pg_hba.conf and all the other files associated with a postgresql database

So starting from the beginning:

su to your desired user for postgresql, ie. postgres
Don't bother chowning anything.
Don't create a data directory; rename /usr/local/pgsql/data to something (just
in case it is wanted later however unlikely that seems).
_Do_ run: initdb -D /usr/local/pgsql/data
_Do_ run pg_ctl to start the server but don't use the -o '-i' switch.
_Do_ run createuser to create a database user of the same name as the user
running the Tomcat etc. processes (user phil?)
_Do_ run createdb -O <user from above step> hardwoodthunder

Return/su to the Tomcat etc. user and try accessing the database with:
   psql hardwoodthunder

Create schema, insert data, whatever.

Use you IDE, Tomcat etc.

If Tomcat etc. can't make a database connection, and you should see something
in it's log if it can't, then go and edit /usr/local/pgsql/data/postgres.conf
to set tcpip_socket to true, stop and start postgresql as postgres using pg_ctl
as above.

If you have any doubts about the database connectivity, turn on connection and
statement logging in postgres.conf and you will see in /tmp/postgresql.log a)
when a client connects to a database in the cluster and b) what statements it
issues to the engine.

Also, it's practice on these lists to reply to all, including the list, when
responding to a message. Bearing in mind my emails currently don't propagate to
the postgresql.org domain could you please forward this response to the
-general list so other's can see and contribute as appropiate. Thanks.

Nigel Andrews

Re: Setting up Postgresql on Linux

"Peter Alberer"
Hi phil,

>>>>> >>1.Is there a better way to start the database and the web

I start postgres via daemontools (http://cr.yp.to/daemontools.html). It
takes care of the logfile rolling (via multilog) and restarts the server
should it go down.

Hope that helps, peter

Re: Setting up Postgresql on Linux

Ron St-Pierre
Phil Campaigne wrote:

> Hi Ron,
> I had a couple of questions on your instructions:
> 1. what is this for?
> >#make install-all-headers

According to the docs you need it if you are going to create your own
functions, however the documentation is a bit *vague*. "If you plan to
do any server-side program development (such as custom functions or data
types written in C), then you may want to install the entire PostgreSQL
include tree into your target include directory." I am working under the
assumption that "custom functions" include any functions you create in
plpgsql, sql, c, etc and not just C functions. I would recommend using
this if you will be working with the database a lot, because you will
probably eventually want to create some of your own functions.

> 2. is it advisable for me to use UNICODE for defalt encoding?
> > initdb -E UNICODE -D /usr/local/psql/data

Some of our databases were originally encoded using SQL-ASCII and we
still occasionally have problems when someone enters a character with an
accent (eg in cafe). The jdbc driver won't convert it and the app
'breaks' wrt that data set. So I would recommend that you UNICODE, I
don't believe that it really adds much in the way of overhead, etc.

> 3. My version of postgresql's linux script file instructs me to create
> symbolic links to:
> /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K02postgresql
> /etc/rc.d/rc3.d/S98postgresql
> However the init script file for starting up the PostgreSQL server
> that I have is K15postgresql.
> Is it ok that I substitute a link to K15postgresql for rc2.d and rc3.d?

I suppose that's okay. My very limited understanding of these
directories is that they are used during startup/shutdown to ensure that
services are started and stopped correctly and in the proper order.

> thanks,
> Phil

Please respond to the list for more questions and cc me (or vice versa)
if you have more questions. This way if anyone else is in a similar
predicament they can read this, and others can contribute and/or correct me.

