Обсуждение: PHP on slackware


PHP on slackware

Shridhar Daithankar

I am trying to deploy drupal on my machine to play around with. Only to
discover to my horror that slackware ships with a php package that does not
include postgresql extension.

Frankly I am irritated. I don't want to compile any damn stuff. Slack has
worked so far for me but it's postgresql support is lamer than I could have

Does anybody have any idea what could be done, short of rolling my own php

DAMN SLACK!!! Off to googling..


Re: PHP on slackware

"Jim Wilson"
Shridhar Daithankar said:

> Hi,
> I am trying to deploy drupal on my machine to play around with. Only to
> discover to my horror that slackware ships with a php package that does not
> include postgresql extension.
> Frankly I am irritated. I don't want to compile any damn stuff. Slack has
> worked so far for me but it's postgresql support is lamer than I could have
> thought..
> Does anybody have any idea what could be done, short of rolling my own php
> package?
> DAMN SLACK!!! Off to googling..
>  Shridhar

This isn't a php list,  so forgive me for pointing out that php is very easy
to build and well worth the effort for many things you may want to include or
eliminate other than postgres support.  For example, the pdf support was very
attractive here.  BTW, I too reviewed drupal recently and ended up modifying
phpwebsite to work with postgres.  Open source CMS still has a ways to go, but
phpwebsite looked like a good start next to the older packages.


Jim Wilson

Jim Wilson - IT Manager
Kelco Industries
PO Box 160
58 Main Street
Milbridge, ME 04658
207-546-7989 - FAX 207-546-2791

Re: PHP on slackware

On Fri, 5 Mar 2004, Jim Wilson wrote:

> Shridhar Daithankar said:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I am trying to deploy drupal on my machine to play around with. Only to
> > discover to my horror that slackware ships with a php package that does not
> > include postgresql extension.
> >
> > Frankly I am irritated. I don't want to compile any damn stuff. Slack has
> > worked so far for me but it's postgresql support is lamer than I could have
> > thought..
> >
> > Does anybody have any idea what could be done, short of rolling my own php
> > package?
> >
> > DAMN SLACK!!! Off to googling..
> >
> >  Shridhar
> This isn't a php list,  so forgive me for pointing out that php is very easy
> to build and well worth the effort for many things you may want to include or
> eliminate other than postgres support.  For example, the pdf support was very
> attractive here.  BTW, I too reviewed drupal recently and ended up modifying
> phpwebsite to work with postgres.  Open source CMS still has a ways to go, but
> phpwebsite looked like a good start next to the older packages.

Note that there IS a list just for postgresql & php:

It welcomes such questions and discussions.

Re: PHP on slackware

"Shawn Harrison"

I've been running Slackware 9.0 for about a year and have been pretty happy,
but -- as with any distribution -- I have had to compile when I wanted
something that was not provided.

Generally speaking, any time you want to make a custom setup that someone
else didn't anticipate, you have to run the compiler. Please remember, the
developers of Slackware (and every other piece of OpenSource software) are
providing a free service. They deserve nothing but praise for giving their
work away.

Also, if they included every possible option in the pre-compiled binary
packages, those packages would become unreasonably large and inefficient. So
they include only the most common options.

I suggest rolling up your sleeves:

-- download the PHP tarball (from the PHP project page),
-- untar it in /usr/local/src, then cd into the directory
-- type "./configure --help | more" (no quotes) and read it.
-- Take notes on what options you want to include with configure. They will
all go together on the command line when you run ./configure. For example,
there might be an option "--with-pgsql" or some such, optionally followed by
"=" [the location of the pgsql libraries on your system].

Then go for it, it's not that hard. Once you've run "./configure" with the
options that you want, you typically will just type "make", then "make
install". While the compiler is running, you can always continue Googling.
If ./configure chokes, find out why and try to fix the problem. That
sometimes requires a little sleuthing, but almost never takes more than a
couple days.

Alternatively, perhaps you could offer to pay the developer of Slackware (or
someone else) a consulting fee to roll you a custom version.

Shawn Harrison

P.S. I apologize if others consider the original post too off-topic for a
reply -- tell me if you think so. But it seemed necessary to address the
underlying assumptions. Thanks.---SAH

----- Original Message -----
From: "Shridhar Daithankar" <shridhar@frodo.hserus.net>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Friday, March 05, 2004 9:50 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] PHP on slackware

> ....
> Frankly I am irritated. I don't want to compile any damn stuff. Slack has
> worked so far for me but it's postgresql support is lamer than I could
> thought..
> ......
>  DAMN SLACK!!! Off to googling..
>  Shridhar

Re: PHP on slackware

Shridhar Daithankar
On Saturday 06 March 2004 03:09, Shawn Harrison wrote:
> Shridhar,
> I've been running Slackware 9.0 for about a year and have been pretty
> happy, but -- as with any distribution -- I have had to compile when I
> wanted something that was not provided.

I know. But the problem is you need to adjust so many parameters so that n
number of subsystems work correct. That is why I rely upon distributions.
Otherwise I would have been running LFS by now..

I like slack. But it's support for postgresql is pathetic. Installing
postgresql in itself is easy for me but php.. oops.. that is bit too
complicated to get it correct first time..

> Generally speaking, any time you want to make a custom setup that someone
> else didn't anticipate, you have to run the compiler. Please remember, the
> developers of Slackware (and every other piece of OpenSource software) are
> providing a free service. They deserve nothing but praise for giving their
> work away.

If you tell me a mailing list where slackware is discussed I would get their
and offer my services for enabling postgresql in every possible way.

I haven't found it where contents of next slack version is discussed.
Slackware still ships with 2.4.x kernels. 2.6 is still not there in current.
Still it ships linuxthreads while every other distro. on earth including
debian has NPTL at least in testing branch.. Certainly I would like to
discuss and contribute about these things..

> Also, if they included every possible option in the pre-compiled binary
> packages, those packages would become unreasonably large and inefficient.
> So they include only the most common options.

I would have bought that argument but I don't think including postgresql
support would bloat their distro. Just a personal opinion..

> I suggest rolling up your sleeves:
> -- download the PHP tarball (from the PHP project page),

I did. My bigger worry was to get php config right. Fortunately php -i is a
wonderful option and I got everything I needed there..

For the record, I configured it as follows, for a CVS tip postgresql build

./configure --prefix=/usr --with-apxs --enable-force-cgi-redirect
--enable-fastcgi --sysconfdir=/etc
--enable-discard-path --with-config-file-path=/etc/apache --enable-safe-mode
--enable-bcmath --with-bz2 --with-pic --enable-calendar --enable-ctype
--with-db3 --enable-dbase --enable-ftp --with-iconv --with-gd
--enable-gd-native-ttf --with-jpeg-dir=/usr
--with-png --with-gmp --with-mysql=shared,/usr --with-xml=shared,/usr
--with-mm=/usr --enable-trans-sid --enable-shmop --enable-sockets
--enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --enable-yp --enable-memory-limit
--enable-shared --disable-debug --with-zlib=/usr

- make. took 2 minutes 10 sec..:-)
- Quick checkinstall
- copy php.ini-dist to /etc/apache
- set the extension path correctly
to /usr/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-20020429/
- enable postgresql extension.
- restart apache..

 And I am up.. Thanks for all the help..It was much needed..

This wasn't a crib against slack any more than not giving me a choice in a
otherwise beautiful distro. Just couldn't help it..
