Обсуждение: Date Comparison Help


Date Comparison Help

"Brian C. Doyle"
Hello all,

I am rather confident that this has been answered in the past but searching for it has been a pain so I am asking for some assistance.

I need a query to get data that is 6 months older than "today" or when that query is run.

So the where clause is something like

WHERE table.date >= now() - 6 months

I know that will not work so how should I do this?

UMPA Brian C. Doyle
Director, Internet Services
United Merchant Processing Association
1-800-555-9665 ext 212

Re: Date Comparison Help

Mike Nolan
> I need a query to get data that is 6 months older than "today" or when that
> query is run.

WHERE table.date < current_date-interval'6 months'
Mike Nolan

Re: Date Comparison Help

jseymour@LinxNet.com (Jim Seymour)
"Brian C. Doyle" <bdoyle@umpa-us.com> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I am rather confident that this has been answered in the past but searching
> for it has been a pain so I am asking for some assistance.
> I need a query to get data that is 6 months older than "today" or when that
> query is run.
> So the where clause is something like
> WHERE table.date >= now() - 6 months
> I know that will not work so how should I do this?

WHERE age(table.date) > '6 months'

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Re: Date Comparison Help

"Brian C. Doyle"
Perfect and thank you so much for the swift response;

At 04:23 PM 4/8/2004, Mike Nolan wrote:
> I need a query to get data that is 6 months older than "today" or when that
> query is run.

WHERE table.date < current_date-interval'6 months'
Mike Nolan

UMPA Brian C. Doyle
Director, Internet Services
United Merchant Processing Association
1-800-555-9665 ext 212