Обсуждение: Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain tool


Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain tool

jboes@nexcerpt.com (Jeff Boes)
I'm hoping there's someone here with experience in building the Visual
Explain tool from Red Hat. I downloaded it and the J2 SDK, but when I
attempt to follow the build instructions, I get messages like:

error: Type `JTableHeader' not found in the declaration of the local
variable `header'.
    [javac]             JTableHeader header = null;

To me, this indicates that the SDK isn't installed (properly). But I
admit I'm pretty much a Java know-nothin'.

Re: Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain tool

Andrew Sullivan
On Tue, Apr 20, 2004 at 10:45:33AM -0700, Jeff Boes wrote:
> variable `header'.
>     [javac]             JTableHeader header = null;
> To me, this indicates that the SDK isn't installed (properly). But I
> admit I'm pretty much a Java know-nothin'.

java -version ?


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
I remember when computers were frustrating because they *did* exactly what
you told them to.  That actually seems sort of quaint now.
        --J.D. Baldwin

Re: Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain

Fernando Nasser
Jeff Boes wrote:
> I'm hoping there's someone here with experience in building the Visual
> Explain tool from Red Hat. I downloaded it and the J2 SDK, but when I
> attempt to follow the build instructions, I get messages like:
> error: Type `JTableHeader' not found in the declaration of the local
> variable `header'.
>     [javac]             JTableHeader header = null;
> To me, this indicates that the SDK isn't installed (properly). But I
> admit I'm pretty much a Java know-nothin'.

Jeff, have tou set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to where your SDK
is installed?

Please try:



which javac


Re: Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain

Fernando Nasser
Jeff Boes wrote:
> Fernando Nasser wrote:
>> Jeff, have tou set the environment variable JAVA_HOME to where your
>> SDK is installed?
>> Please try:
>> echo $JAVA_HOME
> It was undefined ... I set it to "/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04".
>> and
>> which javac
> Nothing found in my path. However, with or without the above change, the
> build process seems to find "javac". I still get:

Yes, the javac Ant task probably looks for it in a few places.

Try doing this:

export PATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin:$PATH

and do it again.

Which OS and version are you doing this on?


 > compile:
 >    [javac] Compiling 69 source files to
 > /home/jboes/downloads/src/rhdb/guitools/rhdb-explain/build
 >    [javac]

 > error: Superclass `DefaultMetalTheme' of class
 > `com.redhat.rhdb.vise.ViseLookAndFeel' not found.
 >    [javac]    public class ViseLookAndFeel extends DefaultMetalTheme {
 >    [javac]                                         ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `JTextArea' not found in declaration of field `query_ta'.
 >    [javac]     private JTextArea query_ta;
 >    [javac]                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `JTextArea' not found in declaration of field `text'.
 >    [javac]     private JTextArea text;
 >    [javac]                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent' not found in the declaration of
 > the local variable `evt'.
 >    [javac]
 > HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent  evt = (HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent)e;
 >    [javac]                                                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `HTMLDocument' not found in the declaration of the local
 > variable `doc'.
 >    [javac]                                             HTMLDocument doc
 > = (HTMLDocument)pane.getDocument();
 >    [javac]                                                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `SimpleAttributeSet' not found in the declaration of the
 > local variable `set'.
 >    [javac]                     SimpleAttributeSet set = new
 > SimpleAttributeSet();
 >    [javac]                            ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `JTextArea' not found in declaration of field `options_ta'.
 >    [javac]     private JTextArea options_ta, plan_ta, dump_ta;
 >    [javac]                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `JTextArea' not found in declaration of field `plan_ta'.
 >    [javac]     private JTextArea options_ta, plan_ta, dump_ta;
 >    [javac]                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `JTextArea' not found in declaration of field `dump_ta'.
 >    [javac]     private JTextArea options_ta, plan_ta, dump_ta;
 >    [javac]                    ^
 >    [javac]

 > error: Type `JTableHeader' not found in the declaration of the local
 > variable `header'.
 >    [javac]             JTableHeader header = null;
 >    [javac]                         ^
 >    [javac] 10 errors

Re: Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain tool

Jeff Boes
Jeff Boes wrote:
> I'm hoping there's someone here with experience in building the Visual
> Explain tool from Red Hat.

Thanks to some patient hand-holding by Fernando Nasser
(fnasser@redhat.com), I managed to make this work.

Details, for those following my bread-crumb trail:

My OS is Whitebox 3.0. I installed the Java SDK RPM, but until I did this:

$ export CLASSPATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/rt.jar

I couldn't get "ant" to build the package.

After I built it, some further messing around was necessary to discover
that I needed the JDBC, and that I needed to edit CLASSPATH some more. I
ended up with this incantation:

$ export

(Don't miss the ":." at the end of that line!) Then I could "cd" into
the "build" directory and run the tool with the command line as
specified in the README:

$ /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/bin/java com.redhat.rhdb.vise.Vise

So, up and running at last. I'm sure there's an easier way to configure
this, but being a Java-on-Linux neophyte, this was as much as I was
willing to learn about the process just to evaluate the tool!

Dazed ...

Jeff Boes                                      vox 269.226.9550 ext 24
Database Engineer                                     fax 269.349.9076
Nexcerpt, Inc.                                 http://www.nexcerpt.com
            ...Nexcerpt... Extend your Expertise

Re: Looking for help building 'rhdb-explain' Visual Explain tool

jseymour@LinxNet.com (Jim Seymour)
Jeff Boes <jboes@nexcerpt.com> wrote:
> Jeff Boes wrote:
> > I'm hoping there's someone here with experience in building the Visual
> > Explain tool from Red Hat.
> Thanks to some patient hand-holding by Fernando Nasser
> (fnasser@redhat.com), I managed to make this work.
> Details, for those following my bread-crumb trail:
> My OS is Whitebox 3.0. I installed the Java SDK RPM, but until I did this:
> $ export CLASSPATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/rt.jar
> I couldn't get "ant" to build the package.

I don't know about the "Whitebox" (whatever that is) OS, but on my
Sparc Solaris boxes, anything placed in $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ is
automatically added to CLASSPATH when a Java app is started-up.

> After I built it, some further messing around was necessary to discover
> that I needed the JDBC, and that I needed to edit CLASSPATH some more. I
> ended up with this incantation:
> $ export
> CLASSPATH=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_04/jre/lib/rt.jar:/home/jboes/downloads/pg74.213.jdbc3.jar:.

I decided to build on how Java works on my Sun boxes, by mimicking its
"default CLASSPATH add-ons" directory in /usr/local.  Then I wrote a
"java_profile" script that automatically adds any jarfile it finds
there into the CLASSPATH environment variable.  It gets run by, say,
/etc/profile, so all users get it.

[remainder snipped]

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