Обсуждение: composite type and assignment in plpgsql


composite type and assignment in plpgsql

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
what's wrong with this?

create type tSession
    as ( ty_found boolean, ty_Session char(32) );

create or replace function GetSessionID( integer )
    returns tSession as '
    thisSession tSession;
    thisSession := ( ''t'', md5( now( ) || rand( ) ) );
    return thisSession;
' language plpgsql;


Re: composite type and assignment in plpgsql

Ron St-Pierre
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

>what's wrong with this?
>create type tSession
>    as ( ty_found boolean, ty_Session char(32) );
>create or replace function GetSessionID( integer )
>    returns tSession as '
>    thisSession tSession;
>    --HERE!!!
>    thisSession := ( ''t'', md5( now( ) || rand( ) ) );
- md5 takes TEXT as an argument, not a numeric type
- assign each variable of type tSession to its corresponding value:
      thisSession.ty_found := ''t'';
      thisSession.ty_session := md5(CAST((now( )) AS TEXT));
 I haven't looked up the rand() function, but you can see from this how
you would cast it and now() to text.

>    return thisSession;
>' language plpgsql;
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
And then you can get the results:
   select * from getsessionid(1);
imperial=#  select * from getsessionid(1);
 ty_found |            ty_session
 t        | cf76cca2b562a0ead48d3eb3810f51cc
(1 row)



Re: composite type and assignment in plpgsql

Ron St-Pierre
Ron St-Pierre wrote:

> Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:
>> what's wrong with this?
>> create type tSession
>>     as ( ty_found boolean, ty_Session char(32) );
>> create or replace function GetSessionID( integer )
>>     returns tSession as '
>> declare
>>     thisSession tSession;
>> begin
>>     --HERE!!!
>>     thisSession := ( ''t'', md5( now( ) || rand( ) ) );
> - md5 takes TEXT as an argument, not a numeric type
> - assign each variable of type tSession to its corresponding value:
>      thisSession.ty_found := ''t'';
>      thisSession.ty_session := md5(CAST((now( )) AS TEXT));
> I haven't looked up the rand() function, but you can see from this how
> you would cast it and now() to text.
>>     return thisSession;
>> end;
>> ' language plpgsql;
>> thx
>> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
> And then you can get the results:
>   select * from getsessionid(1);
> imperial=#  select * from getsessionid(1);
> ty_found |            ty_session
> ----------+----------------------------------
> t        | cf76cca2b562a0ead48d3eb3810f51cc
> (1 row)
> hth
> Ron
In the above reply, I forgot to mention that you are not using the
integer you are passing in as an argument. If you need it (rand()?)
you'll have to declare it:
  myInt ALIAS FOR $1;
or use it explicitly with just the name:  $1


Re: composite type and assignment in plpgsql

Ivan Sergio Borgonovo
On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:12:13 -0700
Ron St-Pierre <rstpierre@syscor.com> wrote:

> Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

> >    --HERE!!!
> >    thisSession := ( ''t'', md5( now( ) || rand( ) ) );
> >
> - md5 takes TEXT as an argument, not a numeric type

Since it works you surely fixed my code but this should't be an issue
since I tried

test1=# select md5( now( ) || random( ) );
(1 row)


test1=# select md5( random( ) );
(1 row)

and they worked.

and yeah I messed up remembering mySQL code and wrote rand( ) inspite
of random( )

Can't user composite type be initialized in a shortest way?
eg. ( ( ), ( ), , ( ), , , ( ), ...)
I thought they could. I saw a similar syntax somewhere in the docs. Am
I daydreaming?

One more thing about the first example presented in this page:

I just tried
create or replace function GetSessionID( integer )
    returns tSession as '
    thisSession tSession;
    thisSession.ty_Found := ''t'';
    thisSession.ty_Session := now( );
    return thisSession;
' language plpgsql;

and it returns execution time not "plan" time. Does "plan" time is
strictly referred to SQL statements?

thanks for your help

Re: composite type and assignment in plpgsql

Ron St-Pierre
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo wrote:

>On Tue, 27 Apr 2004 10:12:13 -0700
>>>    thisSession := ( ''t'', md5( now( ) || rand( ) ) );
>>- md5 takes TEXT as an argument, not a numeric type
>Since it works you surely fixed my code but this should't be an issue
>since I tried
>test1=# select md5( now( ) || random( ) );
>               md5
> 154e804967451148bba5f28e044be828
>(1 row)
>test1=# select md5( random( ) );
>               md5
> 31313f537b69d5ffe61be024a40b807e
>(1 row)
>and they worked.
Yeah, they worked for me too. I was just looking at the docs and saw the
TEXT argument.........

>and yeah I messed up remembering mySQL code and wrote rand( ) inspite
>of random( )
>Can't user composite type be initialized in a shortest way?
>eg. ( ( ), ( ), , ( ), , , ( ), ...)
>I thought they could. I saw a similar syntax somewhere in the docs. Am
>I daydreaming?
I don't know.....

>One more thing about the first example presented in this page:
>I just tried
>create or replace function GetSessionID( integer )
>    returns tSession as '
>    thisSession tSession;
>    thisSession.ty_Found := ''t'';
>    thisSession.ty_Session := now( );
>    return thisSession;
>' language plpgsql;
>and it returns execution time not "plan" time. Does "plan" time is
>strictly referred to SQL statements?
I'm not sure I understand what you're asking here. CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and
now() return the start time of the current transaction, would that be
the "plan" time? The timeofday() function returns the "wall clock" time
and advances during transactions. I think that this would be the
"execution" time.

Hope that helps