Обсуждение: [ANN] BiggerSQL-1.2.5 released


[ANN] BiggerSQL-1.2.5 released

Jerry LeVan
BiggerSQL is a Cocoa based postgresql browser for Mac OS X.

 From the release notes:

Jul 19, 2004
Version 1.2.5 released.

The last successful login information will now be saved
( but not the password). If the login is successful, a
welcome message will appear in the status area.

The user can choose to send the selected parts of the editor window to
the postgresql
backend one statement at a time or the whole selection in one shot by
selecting the "Send Single Statements" menu item in the File menu.

If "Send Single Statements" is checked the program will attempt to
split the selected sql into individual statements and send them one at
a time,
if unchecked the statements will be sent as a single transaction.

The user can now select the font and size for both the editor window
and the results window.

The new choices will become the default choices until changed again by
the user.

BiggerSQL can be found at http://homepage.mac.com/levanj/Cocoa

Source code is included. Enjoy
