Обсуждение: problem getting started with PostgreSQL 8 beta 3 on XP


problem getting started with PostgreSQL 8 beta 3 on XP

Steve Gollery
I installed Postgres 8 beta 3 on an XP box, with Postgres running as a
service. TaskManager tells me that postgres and postmaster are both
running. Using pgAdmin III, I can connect to the server and create
users, databases, tables, etc.

But at the command line, on the same machine where the service is
running, executing

createdb mydb

gives this:

could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server:
No such file or directory
    Is the server running locally and accepting
    connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

The documentation says:

"This means that the server was not started, or it was not started where
createdb expected it."

Since pgAdmin has no trouble connecting, I assume that the server is
running and receiving connections at port 5432, so that leaves the
second part: not started where createdb expected it.

I've tried explicitly including the host, port, user, password, and that
doesn't help.

Any ideas what's going wrong here?

Steven Gollery

Re: problem getting started with PostgreSQL 8 beta 3 on XP

Tom Lane
Steve Gollery <sgollery@cadrc.calpoly.edu> writes:
> I installed Postgres 8 beta 3 on an XP box, with Postgres running as a
> service. TaskManager tells me that postgres and postmaster are both
> running. Using pgAdmin III, I can connect to the server and create
> users, databases, tables, etc.
> But at the command line, on the same machine where the service is
> running, executing
>     createdb mydb
> gives this:
> could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server:
> No such file or directory
>     Is the server running locally and accepting
>     connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?

Steve: try
    createdb -h localhost mydb

Pghackers: I'm surprised that we don't have libpq set to default to
"localhost" rather than a Unix socket on platforms that haven't got Unix
sockets.  A default that's guaranteed not to work seems a bit useless.

Anyone have a better idea than "localhost"?

            regards, tom lane

Re: problem getting started with PostgreSQL 8 beta 3 on

Steve Gollery

False alarm -- I just realized that I was picking up the createdb from
an earlier failed attempt to install 7.4.5. Removing that got me to the
right command and all is well.

Thanks for the help.


Tom Lane wrote:
> Steve Gollery <sgollery@cadrc.calpoly.edu> writes:
>>I installed Postgres 8 beta 3 on an XP box, with Postgres running as a
>>service. TaskManager tells me that postgres and postmaster are both
>>running. Using pgAdmin III, I can connect to the server and create
>>users, databases, tables, etc.
>>But at the command line, on the same machine where the service is
>>running, executing
>>    createdb mydb
>>gives this:
>>could not connect to database template1: could not connect to server:
>>No such file or directory
>>    Is the server running locally and accepting
>>    connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
> Steve: try
>     createdb -h localhost mydb
> Pghackers: I'm surprised that we don't have libpq set to default to
> "localhost" rather than a Unix socket on platforms that haven't got Unix
> sockets.  A default that's guaranteed not to work seems a bit useless.
> Anyone have a better idea than "localhost"?
>             regards, tom lane