Обсуждение: external function libraries on non-build machine


external function libraries on non-build machine

"David Parker"
I have built slony 1.0.2 with postgres 7.4.5. This needs to be deployed
on a system other than the one on which is was built. Somebody on our
team had earlier gotten around the problem of not being able to move a
postgres install by manually updating the pg_catalog.pg_proc table. But
it seems like this worked *after* the procs calling external libraries
were installed. With the slony stuff I can't install the procs until the
database has been deployed on its target machine, so that hack doesn't
seem to help me.

Now I'm trying to run a slonik script on the new system, and I am
getting the following error, which I assume is because $libdir no longer
references the build file system:

<stdin>:3: Initializing the cluster
<stdin>:5: PGRES_FATAL_ERROR load '$libdir/xxid';  - ERROR:  could not
access file "$libdir/xxid": No such file or directory
<stdin>:5: Error: the extension for the xxid data type cannot be loaded
in database 'dbname=test1 host=engtst port=24005 user=slony
<stdin>:7: Could not initialize the cluster!

I'm a little bit desperate, hence the cross-post. Is there anything I
can do on the target system to fix up the slony sql files to get them
installable in the new environment? I've tried setting the "AS
$libdir/xxid' clauses to various strings with full paths, but I don't
seem to be getting it.

Thank you for any help. Apologies for the cross-post.

-  DAP
David Parker    Tazz Networks    (401) 709-5130