Обсуждение: Unique Indexes


Unique Indexes

"ILove TheSpam"

I'm new to Postgres and plpgsql so my sincerest apologies if the answer to
my problem is common :-)
I want to add entries to a table. The table has 2 fields, FieldID which is
the primary key and FieldValue which is a unique field.
I can add to FieldValue just fine when the unique constraint hasn't been
breached. However, if I try to add to FieldValue and there's already another
field with that value, obviously I'll get an error.
My problem is that I want to:
a) Be able to detect when an error occurs and be able to read that error
b) Find out the FieldID for the row which already has the value in it. So if
I try to enter 'blah' into FieldValue and it's already in the row with
FieldID=3, I want the value 3 to be returned to me. I realise this can be
done using a SELECT after the error, but I'd like to avoid that. I'm hoping
Postgres itself has some way of detecting this sort of thing.

Even though I'm new to Postgres, I have looked at triggers and functions and
I'm feeling fairly confident with them, so please, if that's what it takes,
suggest it :-)


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Re: Unique Indexes

Michael Fuhr
On Fri, Mar 11, 2005 at 04:21:49PM +0000, ILove TheSpam wrote:

> My problem is that I want to:
> a) Be able to detect when an error occurs and be able to read that error
> b) Find out the FieldID for the row which already has the value in it. So
> if I try to enter 'blah' into FieldValue and it's already in the row with
> FieldID=3, I want the value 3 to be returned to me. I realise this can be
> done using a SELECT after the error, but I'd like to avoid that. I'm hoping
> Postgres itself has some way of detecting this sort of thing.

Could you describe the problem you're trying to solve?  It might
be easier to help if we knew the ultimate purpose of what you're
trying to do.  Something like "I want to do this because...."

Michael Fuhr

Re: Unique Indexes

"ILove TheSpam"
>Could you describe the problem you're trying to solve?  It might
>be easier to help if we knew the ultimate purpose of what you're
>trying to do.  Something like "I want to do this because...."


Lets say I have 3 tables:

surnames - surnameid serial (Primary Key), surname varchar (Unique)
firstnames - firstnameid serial (Primary Key), firstname varchar (Unique)
users - userid serial (Primary Key), firstnameid, surnameid

I enter the following firstname, surname combinations....

joe, smith
john, doe
jason, jones
john, smith

In the first case, the first and last names are entered into the tables with
no problems since the tables are empty. After entering, I need to get the
"firstnameid" and "surnameid" of the successful insertions (let's assume I
can do this with no problems using some magical code I've written). Once I
have them, I create a new row in the "users" table with these ids.

We then move to the second case where the same thing happens. Everything is
satisfied so we grab the "firstnameid" and "surnameid" from the inserts of
john and doe and create a new row in the "users" table.

The same situation applies to the third case.

The problem comes up in the fourth case. We can insert the firstname fine,
but when we try to insert "smith" into the "surnames" table, it fails
because we've already entered "smith".

What I'd like to do is find out the surnameid of the "smith" already in the
"surnames" table. With that, I can create a new row in the "users" table
with the firstnameid we have and the surnameid of the "smith" already in the
"surnames" table.

As I said before, I know that after I find out the row didn't insert due to
the unique constraint I can use a SELECT to get the surnameid, but I'd like
to avoid this 'overhead'. I'd much prefer if Postgres itself had some way to
do this using something like triggers.

I hope that explains everything properly.


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Re: Unique Indexes

Bruno Wolff III
On Sat, Mar 12, 2005 at 10:41:08 +0000,
  ILove TheSpam <ilovethespam@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Lets say I have 3 tables:
> surnames - surnameid serial (Primary Key), surname varchar (Unique)
> firstnames - firstnameid serial (Primary Key), firstname varchar (Unique)
> users - userid serial (Primary Key), firstnameid, surnameid

This is normally a bad design. Why are you doing this?
If these are real people's names, you don't want enforce that there aren't
two people with the same name unless you have some way to keep such
combinations of people out of your problem (perhaps by making them change
their names?).

There doesn't seem to be any point to the firstname and surnames tables.
If you want this for searching, nonunique indexes on the firstnameid and
surnameid fields of the users table should work.

Normally you would do this with a single user table that has an artificial
primary key to identify unique people, and then information about their
name and maybe some other properties of people. Checking for duplicates
may be hard, because it can be hard in real like to tell if two people
with the same same are really two people.