Обсуждение: Using rule with function for view delete gives error on OLD.* type


Using rule with function for view delete gives error on OLD.* type



Can anyone explain or suggest a workaround for the following:

I am getting the error:

"ERROR:  record type has not been registered"
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "f_cmplx_prdct_dlte" while storing call arguments into local variables

when I call a function from a delete rule for a view I've created.

The view has 42 fields.

Selecting from the view works OK, and inserting using an insert function called from the insert rule using new.* works OK.

 A delete function called from the delete rule using old.* gives the error above.

The type seems to be in the database correctly.

 I have another similar view, using 45 fields (most of them the same!) with a delete rule and function that works OK.

 I have tried deleting and re-creating the view and its associated functions, the error did not change.

 I get the same error even if the delete function contents are blank

The rule that fails is:

CREATE OR REPLACE RULE rle_cmplx_prdct_dlte AS
    ON DELETE TO complex_product DO INSTEAD  SELECT f_cmplx_prdct_dlte(old.*) AS f_cmplx_prdct_dlte;

The function it calls starts as follows (it fails before the 'raise warning'):

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION bsns_obj.f_cmplx_prdct_dlte(bsns_obj.complex_product)

        oldrst ALIAS FOR $1;

        fn varchar;

        FnResult varchar;
        intResult integer;
raise warning 'Start of f_cmplx_prdct_dlte';

I am using a Postgres 8 server on Windows 2000, my client is running on Windows XP.


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Re: Using rule with function for view delete gives error on OLD.* type

Tom Lane
christine.homer@powerconv.alstom.com writes:
> I am getting the error:
> "ERROR:  record type has not been registered"
> CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function "f_cmplx_prdct_dlte" while storing call
> arguments into local variables

This is probably a bug.  Could you provide a self-contained example
that causes it?  Preferably a SQL script that can be loaded easily.

            regards, tom lane