Обсуждение: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?


How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Michelle Konzack
Hello *,

I am puzzeling around, how to query a postgresql from a BASH script.
Generaly it must do nothing else as

1)  Get VALUEs from a DB/TABLE
    program --db pgsql.sld.tld --search "$COLNAME,$VAL" \
                               --get "COL1,COL3,COL4,..."

2)  Write one or more new VALUEs in the DB/TABLE
    program --db pgsql.sld.tld --search "$COLNAME,$VAL" \
                               --set "COL1:VAL1,COL3:VAL3,..."

3)  Remove ROWS from the DB/TABLE
    program --db pgsql.sld.tld --search "$COLNAME,$VAL" --remove

Curently I have only a sulution with a text/plain file but
there is a problem with locking and the file is already
180 kByte, which mean grep/cut/sed are to slow for it.

Under "heavy" load I need to access the database around
1-3 times (maybe in the future more) per second.

Any suggestions ?


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)


Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Pavel Stehule
On Sun, 3 Apr 2005, Michelle Konzack wrote:

> Hello *,
> I am puzzeling around, how to query a postgresql from a BASH script.
> Generaly it must do nothing else as


There is more solutions. The best is pgbash (pgbash is patch for bash)

and last two months there somebody released new functions for bash and
postgresql but I can't remember

connect to testdb011;
  SELECT name FROM names WHERE name LIKE '$1%';
FETCH IN c INTO :name;
while [ $SQLCODE -eq $SQL_OK ]; do
  if [ $lines -gt $2 ] ; then
  echo $name
  let "lines+=1"
  FETCH IN c INTO :name;
disconnect all;


connect to template1;

set option_header=off;
set option_bottom=off;
set option_alignment=off;
set option_separator=;

dblist=`SELECT d.datname FROM
    pg_catalog.pg_database d LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_user u
    ON d.datdba = u.usesysid WHERE u.usename LIKE '$1';`

if [ "$dblist" != "" ]; then
  echo "$dblist" | while read db; do
    echo "Remove database $db"
    DROP DATABASE \"$db\";
disconnect all;

Pavel Stehule

Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

"Sean Davis"

There may be other answers for this, but if you need to connect 2-3 times
per second, you probably need a persistent connection which, as far as I
know, can't be obtained (and maintained) from bash.  Is there a reason not
to do this from the server side or even from a standard client-side language
like perl, java, or C?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Michelle Konzack" <linux4michelle@freenet.de>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 10:16 AM
Subject: [GENERAL] How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Michelle Konzack
Am 2005-04-03 10:41:06, schrieb Sean Davis:
> Michelle,
> There may be other answers for this, but if you need to connect 2-3 times
> per second, you probably need a persistent connection which, as far as I
> know, can't be obtained (and maintained) from bash.  Is there a reason not
> to do this from the server side or even from a standard client-side
> language like perl, java, or C?

First:  I have no clue about perl and java.
Second: I use C, but never used in conjunction with a database

I the datsbase should queried from, e.g., a procmailrc and check
for IP addresses and much more. Most TABLES has only 2 or 3 COLS

The problem are the ROWS of the database.

So I am searching for a simpel solution to access the DB from BASH

OK, I have already codes stuff in php and the RETVAL was simpel
"VAL1 VAL2 VAL3" which I can cut into:

    RETVAL=`php pg_query.php $SERVER $DB $TABLE $COL $SEARCH`
    if [ $? == "1" ] ; then exit 1 ; fi
    VAL1=`echo $RETVAL |cut -d " " -f1`
    VAL2=`echo $RETVAL |cut -d " " -f2`
    VAL3=`echo $RETVAL |cut -d " " -f3`

where the pg_query.php has serched only in the
given $COL and returnd the whole $ROW as RETVAL.

I was thinkg that such tool already exist in C.

But if you have a DB of 10.000 lines, the above examle will be faster
then a BASH solution with a file like

    RETVAL=`grep "^$SEARCH" $DB_FILE`
    if [ $? == "1" ] ; then exit 1 ; fi
    VAL1=`echo $RETVAL |cut -d " " -f1`
    VAL2=`echo $RETVAL |cut -d " " -f2`
    VAL3=`echo $RETVAL |cut -d " " -f3`

and pgsql can be updated concurently, a $DB_FILE not.

Oh yes, from time to time a have realy need for a DB even in stupid
BASH scripts because it makle the life easier.

And the other think is, the first $COL is every time UNIQ.

> Sean


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)


Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Michelle Konzack
Hello Pavel,

Am 2005-04-03 16:36:47, schrieb Pavel Stehule:

> Hello,
> There is more solutions. The best is pgbash (pgbash is patch for bash)
> http://www.psn.co.jp/PostgreSQL/pgbash/index-e.html

Wow... realy cool.
Unfortunatly I can not get the bash-2.0.5a tarball  -  ServerError
I will try to apply the patch to the version in Debian WOODY...

> and last two months there somebody released new functions for bash and
> postgresql but I can't remember


I was reading the Website, FAO and Examples...
But some things are confusing.

I need only a simple returnvalue of a FULL_ROW (one String, where $FIELD
are seperated by whitespace) from a SEARCH in the first $COL (uniq).

So if I understand it right, if I have a table like

Table:  ip_table
       ip       |   ctime    |   atime
aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd | 1234567890 | 2345678901
eee.fff.ggg.hhh | 3456789012 | 4567890123

and I need only

    CONNECT TO localhost USER michelle.konzack;
    RETVAL=`SELECT ctime, atime FROM ip_table WHERE ip = $SEARCH;`


> regards
> Pavel Stehule


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)


Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Adrian Klaver
On Sunday 03 April 2005 07:16 am, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello *,
> I am puzzeling around, how to query a postgresql from a BASH script.
> Generaly it must do nothing else as
I recently came across this program-ShellSQL. I haven't had time to try it,
just read through the documentation. It may be able to do what you want.

Adrian Klaver

Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Pavel Stehule
> So if I understand it right, if I have a table like
> Table:  ip_table
>        ip       |   ctime    |   atime
> ----------------+------------+------------
> aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd | 1234567890 | 2345678901
> eee.fff.ggg.hhh | 3456789012 | 4567890123
> and I need only
>     CONNECT TO localhost USER michelle.konzack;
>     RETVAL=`SELECT ctime, atime FROM ip_table WHERE ip = $SEARCH;`
test=# select * from foo;
 a  | b
 10 | 10
 10 | 20

pgbash> retval=`select a,b from foo;`
pgbash> echo $retval
a | b ----+---- 10 | 10 10 | 20 (2 rows)

I remeber other project



Pavel Stehule

Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Sun, Apr 03, 2005 at 11:17:41PM +0200, Pavel Stehule wrote:
> test=# select * from foo;
>  a  | b
> ----+----
>  10 | 10
>  10 | 20
> pgbash> retval=`select a,b from foo;`
> pgbash> echo $retval
> a | b ----+---- 10 | 10 10 | 20 (2 rows)

The way I usually do it in scripts is:

psql '-F<tab>' -A -t -c "query"

If there's only one field output you can drop the -F.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> Patent. n. Genius is 5% inspiration and 95% perspiration. A patent is a
> tool for doing 5% of the work and then sitting around waiting for someone
> else to do the other 95% so you can sue them.


Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Michelle Konzack
Am 2005-04-03 23:17:41, schrieb Pavel Stehule:

> I remeber other project
> http://www.edlsystems.com/shellsql

Thanks I will heck it out immediatly...

"pgbash" is a real killer but I can not apply
the patches becasue it ends in a error.

> bye
> Pavel Stehule


Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter, http://counter.li.org/
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (irc.icq.com)


Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Pavel Stehule
> Thanks I will heck it out immediatly...
> "pgbash" is a real killer but I can not apply
> the patches becasue it ends in a error.

pgbash is nice, but without actualisation. You have to use good version of

[stehule@stehule stehule]$ pgbash --version
GNU bash, version 2.05a.0(1)-release (i586-pc-linux-gnu)
Copyright 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.


Re: How to query pgsql from a BASH script ?

Roman Neuhauser
# aklaver@comcast.net / 2005-04-03 11:14:54 -0700:
> On Sunday 03 April 2005 07:16 am, Michelle Konzack wrote:
> > I am puzzeling around, how to query a postgresql from a BASH script.
> > Generaly it must do nothing else as
> I recently came across this program-ShellSQL. I haven't had time to try it,
> just read through the documentation. It may be able to do what you want.
> http://www.edlsystems.com/shellsql/

    0.7.2 contains a few (potential) null pointer bugs, fixes should be
    in 0.7.3. ITMT, you can find them here:

How many Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?
You don't know, man.  You don't KNOW.
Cause you weren't THERE.             http://bash.org/?255991

Need help writing SQL statement

I have been trying to write an sql statement that returns the same hours
in a time stamp no matter what the date.
I can to pull same hours on the the same days but have not been able to
figure out how to pull all the same hours no matter what the date.

Here is the one sql statement I have been using:
SELECT COUNT(time_stamp) FROM table WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN
20050629100000 and 20050631100000;

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks in advanced for any help


"Well then what am I supposed to do with all my creative ideas- take a bath and wash myself with them? 'Cause that is
whatsoap is for" (Peter, Family Guy) 

Re: Need help writing SQL statement

Jeffrey Melloy
D A GERM wrote:

> I have been trying to write an sql statement that returns the same
> hours in a time stamp no matter what the date.
> I can to pull same hours on the the same days but have not been able
> to figure out how to pull all the same hours no matter what the date.
> Here is the one sql statement I have been using:
> SELECT COUNT(time_stamp) FROM table WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN
> 20050629100000 and 20050631100000;
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Thanks in advanced for any help
You can do something like
SELECT count(*)
FROM table
where date_part('hour', timestamp) in (10, 11)

This query is going to require a seq scan, so if you're running it
frequently you can make an index on date_part('hour', timestamp)


Re: Need help writing SQL statement

Scott Marlowe
On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 13:20, Jeffrey Melloy wrote:
> D A GERM wrote:
> > I have been trying to write an sql statement that returns the same
> > hours in a time stamp no matter what the date.
> > I can to pull same hours on the the same days but have not been able
> > to figure out how to pull all the same hours no matter what the date.
> >
> > Here is the one sql statement I have been using:
> > SELECT COUNT(time_stamp) FROM table WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN
> > 20050629100000 and 20050631100000;
> >
> > Any help would be appreciated.
> >
> > Thanks in advanced for any help
> >
> You can do something like
> SELECT count(*)
> FROM table
> where date_part('hour', timestamp) in (10, 11)
> This query is going to require a seq scan, so if you're running it
> frequently you can make an index on date_part('hour', timestamp)

Note that an index created on date_part('hour',timestamp) should be
usable here as long as it's selectable enough.

Re: Need help writing SQL statement

thank you all for your help.

this solved it:
SELECT count(*) FROM table where date_part('hour', time_stamp) in (10, 11);

Scott Marlowe wrote:

>On Wed, 2005-06-29 at 13:20, Jeffrey Melloy wrote:
>>D A GERM wrote:
>>>I have been trying to write an sql statement that returns the same
>>>hours in a time stamp no matter what the date.
>>>I can to pull same hours on the the same days but have not been able
>>>to figure out how to pull all the same hours no matter what the date.
>>>Here is the one sql statement I have been using:
>>>SELECT COUNT(time_stamp) FROM table WHERE time_stamp BETWEEN
>>>20050629100000 and 20050631100000;
>>>Any help would be appreciated.
>>>Thanks in advanced for any help
>>You can do something like
>>SELECT count(*)
>>FROM table
>>where date_part('hour', timestamp) in (10, 11)
>>This query is going to require a seq scan, so if you're running it
>>frequently you can make an index on date_part('hour', timestamp)
>Note that an index created on date_part('hour',timestamp) should be
>usable here as long as it's selectable enough.

D. Aaron Germ
Scarborough Library, Shepherd University
(304) 876-5423

"Well then what am I supposed to do with all my creative ideas- take a bath and wash myself with them? 'Cause that is
whatsoap is for" (Peter, Family Guy)