Обсуждение: Can't connect to posgresql server by using pgadmin


Can't connect to posgresql server by using pgadmin

"Chris Guo"

Dear all,


I just installed postgresql 0.8.3 on the fedora core linux 3, I also installed pgadmin 1.0.2 in my computer. But I am having trouble connecting postgresql by using pgadmin, it shows me the error message” An error occurred: Error connecting to the server: could connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host “” and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?”


I am pretty sure that the postgresql server is running, but I figured it’s because the command I use to run the postgresql serve is not quite right and the port 5432 is not open to listen to the request since I didn’t find port 5432 after using namp to check the open port on the linux server.


Anybody has idea how to solve this problem?


Thanks in advance.




Re: Can't connect to posgresql server by using pgadmin

Richard Huxton
Chris Guo wrote:
> I just installed postgresql 0.8.3 on the fedora core linux 3, I also

Version 8.0.3 I hope, 0.8.3 would be *very* old.

> installed pgadmin 1.0.2 in my computer. But I am having trouble connecting
> postgresql by using pgadmin, it shows me the error message" An error
> occurred: Error connecting to the server: could connect to server:
> Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host
> "" and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?"

> I am pretty sure that the postgresql server is running, but I figured it's
> because the command I use to run the postgresql serve is not quite right and
> the port 5432 is not open to listen to the request since I didn't find port
> 5432 after using namp to check the open port on the linux server.

Well, does "ps auxw | grep postg" show any processes running? If not,
and assuming you installed by RPM you can start PG as root using:
   /etc/init.d/postgresql start
Then, check your logs - you should see startup messages there.

If there are processes running, check your postgresql.conf and
ph_hba.conf and make sure you are listening on port 5432 and allowing
connections from your client(s). You might want to turn more logging
options on while you get started too. Then, you can restart the server with
   /etc/init.d/postgresql restart

Finally, you can try connecting manually with telnet. "telnet ip-addr
5432" will try and connect. Hit return a couple of times and you should
be disconnected and an error message placed in the logs.

If this fails, and PG seems to be listening, I'd suspect firewall problems.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Analyse Logfile postgresql


does anyone know a tool for analysing the postgres logfile?

