Обсуждение: Array of created types


Array of created types

Kelly Burkhart
Should something similar to the following be possible in PG 8.0.3?

create type foo_t as ( c1 int, c2 int );
create table tab (
  name varchar not null,
  foos foo_t[]

The response I get is:

ERROR:  type "foo_t[]" does not exist

The create type documentation says that postgres silently creates an
array type for each base type with an underscore prepended to the base
name.  That makes it sound like the following should work:

create table tab (
  name varchar not null,
  foos _foo_t
ERROR:  type "_foo_t" does not exist

How can I create a table containing an array of items of a created type?


Re: Array of created types

Tom Lane
Kelly Burkhart <kelly@tradebotsystems.com> writes:
> The create type documentation says that postgres silently creates an
> array type for each base type with an underscore prepended to the base
> name.

"Base type" in this context specifically means "not composite type".
We may support that someday, but it doesn't work now.

            regards, tom lane