Обсуждение: How to track exceptions in PL/pgSQL


How to track exceptions in PL/pgSQL

Florian Ledoux

I would like to track (timestamp and error number) in the database or
in text files the exceptions that occur in my PL/pgSQL functions.

1. How can I retrieve the SQLCODE in a 8.0.3 PG server ?
2. How can I trace the exception in a table although an implicit
rollback is done when a exception occurs (the trace will be rollbacked
too) ?


Re: How to track exceptions in PL/pgSQL

Michael Fuhr
On Wed, Oct 12, 2005 at 12:40:29PM +0200, Florian Ledoux wrote:
> I would like to track (timestamp and error number) in the database or
> in text files the exceptions that occur in my PL/pgSQL functions.
> 1. How can I retrieve the SQLCODE in a 8.0.3 PG server ?

You can't, at least not that I'm aware of.  In 8.1 you'll have
SQLSTATE and SQLERRM but they're not available in earlier versions.
I don't know if you could take the source code for 8.1's PL/pgSQL
and build it under 8.0; if not, then you might at least be able to
isolate the SQLSTATE/SQLERRM code and add it to 8.0's PL/pgSQL.
Perhaps one of the developers will comment about how feasible this
would be.

Without SQLSTATE/SQLERRM you could use several "WHEN some_exception
THEN" clauses to trap the most likely exceptions so at least you'd
know what kind of exception you were handling.

> 2. How can I trace the exception in a table although an implicit
> rollback is done when a exception occurs (the trace will be rollbacked
> too) ?

You should be able do inserts from the handler code.  It worked for
me in simple tests, so apparently the rollback is done before the
handler code is executed.

Michael Fuhr