Обсуждение: Problem with SSL and postgreSQL 8.0.4


Problem with SSL and postgreSQL 8.0.4

Uzo Madujibeya
I have installed postgresql 8.0.4 onto my linux distro (SuSe 9.3 PRO). I configured the build to support SSL:

./configure --with-openssl

To start postgresql I use the following command:

/usr/local/pgsql/bin/postmaster -i -D /usr/local/pgsql/data

In my data folder I have my server.crt and server.key files. I have excluded the root.crt file as the current postgresql drivers cannot pass certificates. The readout from starting postgresql is as follows:

LOG:  database system was shut down at 2005-10-26 22:13:58 BST
LOG:  checkpoint record is at 0/A44F24
LOG:  redo record is at 0/A44F24; undo record is at 0/0; shutdown TRUE
LOG:  next transaction ID: 548; next OID: 17232
LOG:  database system is ready

As you can see there is no message to say that the root.crt file is missing, which I hav received in previous installs of postgresql, and of course when I try to access postgresql via jboss 4 using an ssl url I get a message saying that postgresql does not support SSL!!

What am I missing here?



Re: Problem with SSL and postgreSQL 8.0.4

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 11:46:16AM +0100, Uzo Madujibeya wrote:
> As you can see there is no message to say that the root.crt file is missing,
> which I hav received in previous installs of postgresql, and of course when
> I try to access postgresql via jboss 4 using an ssl url I get a message
> saying that postgresql does not support SSL!!

Did you enable ssl in postgresql.conf?

Michael Fuhr

Re: Problem with SSL and postgreSQL 8.0.4

Michael Fuhr
On Thu, Oct 27, 2005 at 12:26:35PM +0100, Uzo Madu wrote:
> On Thursday 27 October 2005 12:17, you wrote:
> > Did you enable ssl in postgresql.conf?
> refresh my mind please, what is it i'm meant to alter in my postgresql.comf
> file to enable ssl again?

The "ssl" setting -- uncomment it and change it to "true" or "on",
then restart the postmaster.  See "Run-time Configuration" in the
documentation for more information:


Michael Fuhr