Обсуждение: Restore a PG database in Windows


Restore a PG database in Windows

I am having an extremely difficult time restoring the backup.gz I have
on my Desktop.

I just completed my installation of PG 8 on my Windows XP Home
notebook.  I tried using PGAdminIII to do the Restore, but for some
reason it doesn't want to work.

So, I tried using PSQL, but I'm still not having any luck.

Can anyone direct me to a good resource that explains how to go about
restoring a database on a Windows box?

Thanks in advance!!

Josh in Tampa

Re: Restore a PG database in Windows

Andreas Kretschmer
josh@segrestfarms.com <josh@segrestfarms.com> schrieb:

> I am having an extremely difficult time restoring the backup.gz I have on
> my Desktop.

How is this backup.gz created?

> So, I tried using PSQL, but I'm still not having any luck.
> Can anyone direct me to a good resource that explains how to go about
> restoring a database on a Windows box?

Can you unzip the backup.gz and is this then plain ascii with plain sql?
If so, than you can call 'psql dbname < backup' (the unzipped file).

Sorry, i'm a linux-user, but i think, this should work under windows


HTH, Andreas
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