Обсуждение: ODBC connection problems!


ODBC connection problems!

"Francesco Lilley"
i've just dowloaded and installed Postgres 8.1 and i've installed the latest version of Odbc Drivers 8.01.0103 and created the Odbc on Windows.
But i have some connections problems...the first time i wrote a C-like program in order to make some concurrent simultaneus connections and the connection was ok.
After the first time..nothing...i've re-installed the odbc and re-created the odbc, but nothing...i'm not able to connect through odbc to the postgres server! Very Strange!! Anyone knows why?
I'm trying to make theese tests because i want to know if Postgres could manage simultaneus concurrent connections and how to do this...if anyone know something about this, please help me!
Thank you very much in advance!

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Re: ODBC connection problems!

Richard Huxton
Francesco Lilley wrote:
> Hello, i've just dowloaded and installed Postgres 8.1 and i've
> installed the latest version of Odbc Drivers 8.01.0103 and created
> the Odbc on Windows. But i have some connections problems...the first
> time i wrote a C-like program in order to make some concurrent
> simultaneus connections and the connection was ok.


 > After the first
> time..nothing...i've re-installed the odbc and re-created the odbc,
> but nothing...i'm not able to connect through odbc to the postgres
> server! Very Strange!!

Does sound strange. Something must have changed.

 > Anyone knows why?

What error message do you get?
If you turn on connection logging on the server, what does it show?
Does a single connection work?

 > I'm trying to make theese
> tests because i want to know if Postgres could manage simultaneus
> concurrent connections and how to do this...if anyone know something
> about this, please help me! Thank you very much in advance! BSLillo

Of course PG handles simultaneous connections. It wouldn't be much of a
DBMS if it didn't. Could this be a threading issue?

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd