Обсуждение: Partitioning rule not behaving as expected


Partitioning rule not behaving as expected

I created a master table and three partition tables as per Postgres
documentation. I also created three rules that match the check
constraints. When I insert the values into the master table, the rules
seem to be functional since the data is routed to the appropriate
partition tables. However, data is also inserted into the master table
which is not what I want. Is there a reason DO INSTEAD would not be
evaluated as such?

Here's the setup:

CREATE TABLE zone_data
  zone_id int4 NOT NULL,
  measurement_start timestamptz NOT NULL

CREATE TABLE zone_data_01_01
   CONSTRAINT zone_data_01_01_measurement_start_check CHECK
(measurement_start <= '2001-01-31 23:59:59-05'::timestamp with time
) INHERITS (zone_data);

CREATE TABLE zone_data_02_01
    CONSTRAINT zone_data_02_01_measurement_start_check CHECK
(measurement_start >= '2001-02-01 00:00:00-05'::timestamp with time
zone AND measurement_start <= '2001-02-28 23:59:59-05'::timestamp with
time zone)
) INHERITS (zone_data);

CREATE TABLE zone_data_03_01
    CONSTRAINT zone_data_03_01_measurement_start_check CHECK
(measurement_start >= '2001-03-01 00:00:00-05'::timestamp with time
zone AND measurement_start <= '2001-03-31 23:59:59-05'::timestamp with
time zone)
) INHERITS (zone_data);

CREATE OR REPLACE RULE zone_data_01_01_insert AS
    ON INSERT TO zone_data
   WHERE new.measurement_start <= '2001-01-31 23:59:59-05'::timestamp
with time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO zone_data_01_01 (zone_id,
  VALUES (new.zone_id, new.measurement_start);

CREATE OR REPLACE RULE zone_data_02_01_insert AS
    ON INSERT TO zone_data
   WHERE new.measurement_start >= '2001-02-01 00:00:00-05'::timestamp
with time zone AND new.measurement_start <= '2001-02-28
23:59:59-05'::timestamp with time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO
zone_data_02_01 (zone_id, measurement_start)
  VALUES (new.zone_id, new.measurement_start);

CREATE OR REPLACE RULE zone_data_03_01_insert AS
    ON INSERT TO zone_data
   WHERE new.measurement_start >= '2001-03-01 00:00:00-05'::timestamp
with time zone AND new.measurement_start <= '2001-03-31
23:59:59-05'::timestamp with time zone DO INSTEAD  INSERT INTO
zone_data_03_01 (zone_id, measurement_start)
  VALUES (new.zone_id, new.measurement_start);

Here is the result:

INSERT INTO zone_data (zone_id, measurement_start)
VALUES (81, '2001-01-13 00:00:09-04');

INSERT INTO zone_data (zone_id, measurement_start)
VALUES (81, '2001-02-13 00:00:09-04');

INSERT INTO zone_data (zone_id, measurement_start)
VALUES (81, '2001-03-13 00:00:09-04');

Query returned successfully: 0 rows affected, 32 ms execution time.

SELECT * FROM zone_data;

zone_id      measurement_start
--------     ------------------
81           2001-01-13 00:00:09-04
81           2001-02-13 00:00:09-04
81           2001-03-13 00:00:09-04

SELECT * FROM zone_data_01_01;

zone_id      measurement_start
--------     ------------------
81           2001-01-13 00:00:09-04

SELECT * FROM zone_data_02_01;

zone_id      measurement_start
--------     ------------------
81           2001-02-13 00:00:09-04

SELECT * FROM zone_data_03_01;

zone_id     measurement_start
--------     ------------------
81            2001-03-13 00:00:09-04

Re: Partitioning rule not behaving as expected

Since partitioning is just specialized inheritance, your zone_data
table doesn't actually have any rows in it, its just using the default
behavior of Postgres (from the manual:

"In PostgreSQL, a table can inherit from zero or more other tables, and
a query can reference either all rows of a table or all rows of a table
plus all of its descendant tables. The latter behavior is the default."

Use the "ONLY" keyword to only select rows in zone_data (of which there
are hopefully none):

SELECT * from ONLY zone_data;


Re: Partitioning rule not behaving as expected

Oh ok, that makes sense. Thanks for the explanation.