Обсуждение: phppgadmin 4.0.1


phppgadmin 4.0.1


i run on Windows XP + apache + php + postgresql 8.1.
When i try to log-in with phppgadmin, i have the following error message :
"Login disallowed for security reasons."

based on some info from internet, i've setup the following value : true to $conf['owned_only'] = true;

but nothing changed.
my login has a non blank password and therefore, i do not understand what could be the problem.

thanks a lot,

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Re: phppgadmin 4.0.1

Robert Treat
On Saturday 17 June 2006 07:09, P.M wrote:
> Hi,
> i run on Windows XP + apache + php + postgresql 8.1.
> When i try to log-in with phppgadmin, i have the following error message :
> "Login disallowed for security reasons."
> based on some info from internet, i've setup the following value : true to
> $conf['owned_only'] = true;
> but nothing changed.
> my login has a non blank password and therefore, i do not understand what
> could be the problem.

I find it almost impossible to believe you missed this, since it is right
above the setting you changed, but you need to modify the following:

    // If extra login security is true, then logins via phpPgAdmin with no
    // password or certain usernames (pgsql, postgres, root, administrator)
    // will be denied. Only set this false once you have read the FAQ and
    // understand how to change PostgreSQL's pg_hba.conf to enable
    // passworded local connections.
    $conf['extra_login_security'] = false;

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL