Обсуждение: Re: [HACKERS] Rebuilding DB from broken hardrive.


Re: [HACKERS] Rebuilding DB from broken hardrive.

"Jaime Casanova"
i'm redirecting you to -general because -hackers is not the place for
this question.

some answers below

On 8/2/06, Yoon <ylee@peragrin.com> wrote:
> I was trying postgres for about a year and the hard drive died.
> Using some block copy and other tools I was able to retrieve some data
> however it's missing directory names.
> Eventually, I was able to connect to my db. However, when I make a
> query. It comes back with following messages.
> WARNING: 4 attrdef record(s) missing <dbname>
> ERROR: could not open relation 1663/17230/17235: No such file.
> When I'm looking at my lost+found folder and
> recreating /var/lib/data/global and /var/lib/data/base/1.
> It would be nice to know how each directories are related to each other
> or at least a pointer to where I should look.

you need your backups instead... what? you don't have any backups?
then sorry, you need at least the entire data directory to be safe
(and that assuming you don't have any tablespace's pointing to another

Jaime Casanova

"Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to
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to produce bigger and better idiots.
So far, the universe is winning."
                                       Richard Cook