Обсуждение: Latest /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql startup/shutdown script


Latest /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql startup/shutdown script

Maurice Yarrow
Hello Postgres-General users

I currently am upgrading from PostgreSQL 7.3.4-RH to
PostgreSQL 8.1.5.   Everything fine so far:  have
installed 8.1.5 into /usr/local/pgsql, of course, and am
running 8.1.5 on port 5433,
while still running 7.3.4 (in /var/lib/... and /usr/bin/pg...)
Then (also, without issue):
pg_dumpall -p 5432 | psql -d postgres -p 5433
and the data migration went smoothly.

In fact, the only thing I cannot find is a recent copy (for
8.1.5 located in /usr/local/pgsql)  of an init.d startup script
for the postgres, equivalent to the currently running
/etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql    (which is about 250 lines
of shell).

Rather than go in and hack it (though, in principle, this
should only involve setting some executable location
env vars),  and since aspects of the various postgres
configuration issues and files may have changed betw.
versions 7 and 8,  I am hoping that there is an equivalent
upgraded init.d/postgresql  startup/shutdown script available
for the postgres 8.1 tree.

Please point me to this, as I could not find it by Googling
around a bit, nor did I see it on the postgres.org site.

Maurice Yarrow

Re: Latest /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql startup/shutdown script

Tom Lane
Maurice Yarrow <yarrow@best.com> writes:
> I am hoping that there is an equivalent
> upgraded init.d/postgresql  startup/shutdown script available
> for the postgres 8.1 tree.

The Postgres project proper doesn't maintain system-specific start
scripts.  Look in the RPM distributions instead --- either Fedora
or the PGDG RPMs should provide something that will work.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Latest /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql startup/shutdown

Shane Ambler
Maurice Yarrow wrote:

> In fact, the only thing I cannot find is a recent copy (for
> 8.1.5 located in /usr/local/pgsql)  of an init.d startup script
> for the postgres, equivalent to the currently running
> /etc/rc.d/init.d/postgresql    (which is about 250 lines
> of shell).

If you download the source distribution you will find one in

Most of the lines are just comments and you would appear to be running a
custom script - the sample that comes with 7.3.16 is 92 lines.


Shane Ambler

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