Обсуждение: plpython



Hi all,

Can someone hint on resources for using plpython for writing stored procedures ?
I have gone thru official docs for  8.1.5 for plpythonu but its not in detail/with examples.

When is plpython going to be considered safe ? any targeted version ?


Re: plpython

Jorge Godoy
km <km@mrna.tn.nic.in> writes:

> Can someone hint on resources for using plpython for writing stored
> procedures ?

Sure.  But it depends a lot on what you're willing to do.  The docs have the
details.  This one I did just to learn it:

CREATE FUNCTION f_v_fechamento(p_cliente_id integer, p_data date, p_pago boolean, OUT retorno record) RETURNS record
    AS $$
p_cliente_id = args[0]
p_data = args[1]
p_pago = args[2]

w_total = 0
w_amostra = 0
w_final_do_mes = plpy.execute("SELECT f_v_final_do_mes(%s::date)" % p_data)
w_inicio_do_mes = plpy.execute("SELECT f_v_inicio_mes(%s::date)" % p_data)

retorno = dict()
retorno['w_inicio_do_mes'] = w_inicio_do_mes
retorno['w_final_do_mes'] = w_final_do_mes

return retorno
    LANGUAGE plpythonu STABLE;

It can be rewritten in a better way but was the handier example I had here
that had queries and used a bit more of PostgreSQL 8.1 :-)

> I have gone thru official docs for  8.1.5 for plpythonu but its not in
> detail/with examples.

It's just pure Python.  And you use plpy for querying the database.

> When is plpython going to be considered safe ? any targeted version ?

I hope never, otherwise we loose some facilities.  You understood the concept
of 'safe' and 'unsafe' in PostgreSQL's docs, right?  It might not be what
you're thinking.

Be seeing you,
Jorge Godoy      <jgodoy@gmail.com>

Re: plpython

"Harald Armin Massa"

Can someone hint on resources for using plpython for writing stored procedures ?
I have gone thru official docs for  8.1.5 for plpythonu but its not in detail/with examples.

hello = "Good Morning %s" % (eingabe,)

return hello
  LANGUAGE 'plpythonu' VOLATILE;
ALTER FUNCTION myfunc(text) OWNER TO postgres;

that as a first example to get you started. The other one I could give you is using Pyro, which brings in rather uncommon challenges.

>When is plpython going to be considered safe ? any targeted version ?

Hey, you fell into the same "safe" and "unsafe" trap than me!

"unsafe" does not have the information: "it is possibly errorprone to use this language"

"unsafe" simply says: "it is impossible for the database to guarantee, that a bad minded programmer can do harmfull thins with this language"

For example: with plpython you can read and delete files on the server. There is no way for PostgreSQL to stop plpython from doing harm; so it is considered "unsafe".

(Btw: there is no restricted mode of execution for Python, google the Python Mailingslists  for it; "sandbox" is a helpfull keyword)

So: plpython is only recommended to be used by trustworthy programmers. Not by the general public.


GHUM Harald Massa
persuadere et programmare
Harald Armin Massa
Reinsburgstraße 202b
70197 Stuttgart
Python: the only language with more web frameworks than keywords.

Re: plpython

> Sure.  But it depends a lot on what you're willing to do.  The docs have the
> details.  This one I did just to learn it:
> CREATE FUNCTION f_v_fechamento(p_cliente_id integer, p_data date, p_pago boolean, OUT retorno record) RETURNS record
>     AS $$
> p_cliente_id = args[0]
> p_data = args[1]
> p_pago = args[2]
> w_total = 0
> w_amostra = 0
> w_final_do_mes = plpy.execute("SELECT f_v_final_do_mes(%s::date)" % p_data)
> w_inicio_do_mes = plpy.execute("SELECT f_v_inicio_mes(%s::date)" % p_data)
> retorno = dict()
> retorno['w_inicio_do_mes'] = w_inicio_do_mes
> retorno['w_final_do_mes'] = w_final_do_mes
> return retorno
> $$
>     LANGUAGE plpythonu STABLE;
> It can be rewritten in a better way but was the handier example I had here
> that had queries and used a bit more of PostgreSQL 8.1 :-)
Thanks  for that snippet. why is that 'STABLE' at the end of the function ?

i am stuck at createlang for plpythonu! with postgres user
error reads:

$createlang plpythonu template1;
createlang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not load library "/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plpython.so":
/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plpython.so:undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4_64 

i am on a x86_64 linux box. couldnt comprehend the error.
plpython.so is in /usr/local/pgsql/lib

whats wrong?

Re: plpython

"Clodoaldo Pinto Neto"
2006/10/27, km <km@mrna.tn.nic.in>:
> i am stuck at createlang for plpythonu! with postgres user
> error reads:
> $createlang plpythonu template1;
> createlang: language installation failed: ERROR:  could not load library "/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plpython.so":
/usr/local/pgsql/lib/plpython.so:undefined symbol: Py_InitModule4_64 
> i am on a x86_64 linux box. couldnt comprehend the error.
> plpython.so is in /usr/local/pgsql/lib
> whats wrong?

Read the thread named plpython.so

Regards, Clodoaldo Pinto Neto