Обсуждение: postgres at startup


postgres at startup

"Michael McCloskey"

Postgres is starting automatically for me at startup.

When I boot up my machine and then check the running processes I see postmaster.exe and 4 postgres processes.

How can I stop this?

I don’t want Postgres starting up automatically.



Re: postgres at startup

Richard Huxton
Michael McCloskey wrote:
> Postgres is starting automatically for me at startup.
> When I boot up my machine and then check the running processes I see
> postmaster.exe and 4 postgres processes.
> How can I stop this?
> I don't want Postgres starting up automatically.

On a linux machine, there are a set of startup scripts in /etc/init.d
which are linked to from /etc/rc[12345].d. Google around and you'll find
details for your particular operating-system.

On a windows machine, you can control services through the
control-panel. You can both start/stop services and control whether they
start up automatically.

If you don't know how to start/stop services, or take backups etc. then
I'd recommend getting a book on administering systems. Better to know
these things before you need to (which always seems to be 9pm Friday night).

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: postgres at startup

"Albe Laurenz"
> Postgres is starting automatically for me at startup.
> When I boot up my machine and then check the running
> processes I see postmaster.exe and 4 postgres processes.
> How can I stop this?
> I don't want Postgres starting up automatically.

You don't tell, but I guess that you use Windows.

Set the service that starts PostgreSQL to anything but 'Automatic'.

Laurenz Albe

Re: postgres at startup

Shane Ambler
Michael McCloskey wrote:
> Postgres is starting automatically for me at startup.
> When I boot up my machine and then check the running processes I see
> postmaster.exe and 4 postgres processes.
> How can I stop this?
> I don't want Postgres starting up automatically.
> Thanks.
> -Michael

For XP/2000/2003 you can change the startup options for all services in
the service manager.

Right click on My Computer and select Manage.
Expand Services and Applications then select Services - there you will
find an entry for PostgreSQL Database Server and you can change the
startup settings (disabled/manual/automatic).

Or you can run mmc and add the services snap-in (this way you can
configure remote machines as well).


Shane Ambler

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