Обсуждение: DB crashed


DB crashed


I have been using postgres since a long time. Recently number of users in my portal has been increased drastically and because of that load on Database server has been increased. Suddenly postgres Database crashed and I need to restart the DB.  I am not able to find out root cause of this problem. I need help to get any clue regarding what query caused DB to crash. Any utility/program that can help me to debug the DB will be well appreciated.


- R


Re: DB crashed

"Thomas H."
post some more informations, i.e. version, latest entries in logfile before crash, etc.
- thomas
----- Original Message -----
From: rbaisak
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:26 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] DB crashed

I have been using postgres since a long time. Recently number of users in my portal has been increased drastically and because of that load on Database server has been increased. Suddenly postgres Database crashed and I need to restart the DB.  I am not able to find out root cause of this problem. I need help to get any clue regarding what query caused DB to crash. Any utility/program that can help me to debug the DB will be well appreciated.


- R


Re: DB crashed

Ranjan Kumar Baisak
Thomas H. wrote:
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post some more informations, i.e. version, latest entries in logfile before crash, etc.
- thomas
----- Original Message -----
From: rbaisak
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2006 8:26 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] DB crashed

I have been using postgres since a long time. Recently number of users in my portal has been increased drastically and because of that load on Database server has been increased. Suddenly postgres Database crashed and I need to restart the DB.  I am not able to find out root cause of this problem. I need help to get any clue regarding what query caused DB to crash. Any utility/program that can help me to debug the DB will be well appreciated.


- R


I am using Postgres 7.4.3. Unfortunately I could not able to track log file as this was happened with live system.