Обсуждение: fedora core 6 startup script for pg 8.2


fedora core 6 startup script for pg 8.2

I'm having some trouble installing postgresql 8.2 on fedora core 6.
This is my first time running fedora, I used to not have any problems
getting postgresql 8.1 started under gentoo. The RPMs are all
installed, it installed the init.d script and can su - postgres and do
a pg_ctl start successfully. I can't figure out why it won't start on
bootup. What am I missing?? Any help would be appreciated. I tried
starting it in "Service Configuration" to no success also. Thanks

Re: fedora core 6 startup script for pg 8.2

Richard Huxton
Gene wrote:
> I'm having some trouble installing postgresql 8.2 on fedora core 6.

Check your logs - something *must* be recorded in /var/log. The first
thing I'd guess is it's something to do with selinux though.

   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: fedora core 6 startup script for pg 8.2

Thanks for the suggestion, this is my first experience with SELinux. I
disabled selinux postgresql daemon protection, and then had to
re"initdb" and then it worked! Greatly appreciated!

On 12/18/06, Richard Huxton <dev@archonet.com> wrote:
> Gene wrote:
> > I'm having some trouble installing postgresql 8.2 on fedora core 6.
> Check your logs - something *must* be recorded in /var/log. The first
> thing I'd guess is it's something to do with selinux though.
> --
>    Richard Huxton
>    Archonet Ltd
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Gene Hart
cell: 443-604-2679