Обсуждение: I will hold your copy for 24 hours


I will hold your copy for 24 hours

henry akagbusi
Last week, I tried to arrange for you to receive a slightly
damaged copy of Derek Gehl's "Internet Millionaire's Protégé
Bootcamp" videos... but I don't think you got them?

Since these copies are available for a DEEP discount, I
didn't think you'd care about a couple of scuff marks on
the package covers because all the actual DVDs are fine....

In fact, the package I've had saved for you is practically
brand new!

It still contains all the same information you need to
start and grow a wildly profitable Internet business...
including the SAME strategies Derek's been using behind
the scenes to make over $60,000,000 in online sales and
help literally thousands of people make MILLIONS of
dollars with their Internet businesses!

So if you don't want the DVDs that I've had put aside for you,
that's fine, but please let me know your decision by
tomorrow morning at the very latest...

Because I'm getting swamped with calls from people who
can't believe Derek's giving away these slightly damaged
copies for a massive $100 discount off, and I feel bad
putting them off much longer.

Derek only gives away his "slightly damaged" stock once
a year, and even then, he rarely has more than a couple
hundred copies available...

... so if you DO want me to have this copy sent to you,
please visit:


All the best,

P.S. By the way, Derek is also going to throw in $2,342
worth of free bonuses and "extra resources" that he doesn't
normally give away with these DVDs, even though you're
already getting a ridiculous discount, because he wants
to make sure you have everything you need to apply the
SAME strategies his other students are using to make
$100,000 to $2.5 million plus per year with THEIR Internet

You can hear their success stories, too, at

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