Обсуждение: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas


GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas


Can anyone suggest a free GUI tool that can reverse engineer a
postgresql schema and show it as a diagram?

It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, I just need to get a quick
understanding of schemas that I'm not familiar with.


Re: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas

John McCawley
Here's a little tool I wrote:


I have a Windows binary up there.  The build process is currently a
mess, sorry.

It's a pretty decent little tool for quick-and-dirty visualization,
which is all I really use it for.

nyenyec wrote:

>Can anyone suggest a free GUI tool that can reverse engineer a
>postgresql schema and show it as a diagram?
>It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, I just need to get a quick
>understanding of schemas that I'm not familiar with.
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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Re: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas

Reid Thompson
John McCawley wrote:
> Here's a little tool I wrote:
> http://www.hardgeus.com/projects/pgdesigner/
> I have a Windows binary up there.  The build process is currently a
> mess, sorry.
> It's a pretty decent little tool for quick-and-dirty visualization,
> which is all I really use it for.
> nyenyec wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Can anyone suggest a free GUI tool that can reverse engineer a
>> postgresql schema and show it as a diagram?
>> It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, I just need to get a quick
>> understanding of schemas that I'm not familiar with.
>> Thanks,
>> nyenyec
>> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>> TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>>       subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
>>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend
just ran across this today -- may be of use/interest

Re: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas

Sorry about the typo in the title, of course I don't want to reverse
any engineering schemas. :)

I ended up using Squirrel SQL. (A tool I haven't used in a long time
and almost forgot about.)

The diagraming part is not supersmart, but good enough for my purposes.
For now at least.

I also forgot to mention that I'm looking for something that runs on a

If anyone knows a better or comparable solution, let me know.


nyenyec wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone suggest a free GUI tool that can reverse engineer a
> postgresql schema and show it as a diagram?
> It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, I just need to get a quick
> understanding of schemas that I'm not familiar with.
> Thanks,
> nyenyec

Re: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas

Sorry about the typo in the title, of course I don't want to reverse
any engineering schemas. :)

I ended up using Squirrel SQL. (A tool I haven't used in a long time
and almost forgot about.)

The diagraming part is not supersmart, but good enough for my purposes.
For now at least.

I also forgot to mention that I'm looking for something that runs on a

If anyone knows a better or comparable solution, let me know.


nyenyec wrote:
> Hi,
> Can anyone suggest a free GUI tool that can reverse engineer a
> postgresql schema and show it as a diagram?
> It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, I just need to get a quick
> understanding of schemas that I'm not familiar with.
> Thanks,
> nyenyec

Re: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas

"Lenorovitz, Joel"
I've been using a product called HappyFish, which does reverse
engineering on Postgres and has proven to be a great DB development
tool.  While it's not free, it is very low cost and you can easily get a
full-featured evaluation version to try out.  I've been running it
through its paces with a pretty complex Postgres project and I'm really
pleased.  The product is maturing and getting more capable all the time
and responsiveness on part of the development team is excellent.  Check
it out here:


-----Original Message-----
From: nyenyec [mailto:nyenyec@gmail.com]
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2007 6:26 PM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: GUI tool that can reverse engineering schemas


Can anyone suggest a free GUI tool that can reverse engineer a
postgresql schema and show it as a diagram?

It doesn't have to be very sophisticated, I just need to get a quick
understanding of schemas that I'm not familiar with.
