Обсуждение: issue with select currval


issue with select currval

"Alain Roger"

I have a table "photo" where my primary key is name "photo_id" (only serial value is stored there).

when i type :
select currval('photo_photo_id_seq');

the answer is :
ERROR:  relation "photo_photo_id_seq" does not exist

whereas the "relation photo_photo_id_seq" exists

So where is the problem ? should i specify the schema ? (schema is : immense)

if i type :
SELECT photo_id FROM immense.photo ORDER BY photo_id DESC LIMIT 1
i get what i want (the last serial/index value used by my table)

thanks for help.

Windows XP SP2
PostgreSQL 8.1.4
Apache 2.0.58

Re: issue with select currval

Shane Ambler
Alain Roger wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a table "photo" where my primary key is name "photo_id" (only serial
> value is stored there).
> when i type :
> select currval('photo_photo_id_seq');
> the answer is :
> ERROR:  relation "photo_photo_id_seq" does not exist
> whereas the "relation photo_photo_id_seq" exists
> So where is the problem ? should i specify the schema ? (schema is :
> immense)
> if i type :
> SELECT photo_id FROM immense.photo ORDER BY photo_id DESC LIMIT 1
> i get what i want (the last serial/index value used by my table)

My guess is that your schema is not in the search path and you need to
fully qualify the name. Try -
select currval('immense.photo_photo_id_seq');

Otherwise double check the spelling of the sequence name (any capitals?)
and the schema that it belongs to.

If you want to avoid typing your schema for everything then add it to
your search path.
SET search_path to immense, public;

SHOW search_path; will tell you what it is currently set to if you want
to check that you won't be removing another schema that is being used.


Shane Ambler

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