Обсуждение: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql


Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql


I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
growing, to a pgsql database.

All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
"mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
getting this to work.

Is there anything else?


Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

"Webb Sprague"
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.
> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.

Have you tried it?  5 million rows seem doable.  In postgres, make
sure you disable indexes and checks when you do your import, and use
the bulk copy.

 How long is forever?  Can you go offline?  If you only need to do it
once, it probably won't be too painful


Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

Csaba Nagy
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.

I wouldn't qualify 5 million as "huge". We have here several 100 million
sized tables, and I still think it's a medium sized DB...

> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.

Why do you think that would be running forever ? It should be fast
enough. Or you mean it's "forever" measured in development effort ? I
would say you should give it a go, it shouldn't be that bad...


Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

Richard Huxton
.ep wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.

And where's the huge database?

> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.

Well, there's not much of an alternative to exporting from one system
and importing to another. If you do find a better way, patent it!

This is probably a sensible place to start for converting schemas:

Then, you'll face two problems:
1. Invalid data in your mysql dump (e.g. dates like 0000-00-00)
2. Mysql-specific usage in your application

Then you might want to examine any performance issues (where your
application code has been tuned to work well with MySQL but not
necessarily PG).

Shouldn't be more than a day's work, maybe just 1/2 a day. I like to
build these things up as sets of perl scripts. That way when I notice
"one more thing" I can re-run my scripts from wherever the problem was.

Oh - if you come up with any improvements in mysql2pgsql then let the
developers know - I'm sure they'll be interested.

Good luck!
   Richard Huxton
   Archonet Ltd

Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

.ep wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.
> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.
> Is there anything else?
> Thanks.

I used this perl script (you'll need to modify it a little for your
setup).  It generates a psql script that uses COPY instead of INSERT, so
it runs much faster.


# call like:  ./mydump.pl dbname filename.sql

use strict;
use DBI;

my $outfile = pop;
my $database = pop;
print "dumping db: $database to file $outfile\n";
my $host = 'servername';
my $port = 33060;
my $dsn = "DBI:mysql:database=$database;host=$host;port=$port";
my $db = DBI->connect($dsn, 'username', 'password') or die;

sub dumptable
    my $tbl = pop;
    print "Dumping table: $tbl\n";
    my $q = $db->prepare("select * from $tbl");
    #$q->{"mysql_use_result"} = 1;

    my $names = $q->{'NAME'};
    my $type = $q->{'mysql_type_name'};
    my $numFields = $q->{'NUM_OF_FIELDS'};

    print OUT "\\echo Table: $tbl\n";
    print OUT "delete from $tbl;\n";
    print OUT "copy $tbl (";
    for (my $i = 0;  $i < $numFields;  $i++) {
        printf(OUT "%s%s", $i ? ", " : "", $$names[$i]);

    print OUT ") FROM stdin;\n";
    while (my $ref = $q->fetchrow_arrayref) {
        for (my $i = 0;  $i < $numFields;  $i++) {
            if (defined($$ref[$i]))
                $s = $$ref[$i];
                $s =~ s{\\}[\\\\]g;

                #things that should not be double slashed
                $s =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
                $s =~ s/\r/\\r/g;
                $s =~ s/\t/\\t/g;
                $s =~ s/\000/\\000/g;
            else {
                $s = '\\N';

            printf(OUT "%s%s", $i ? "\t" : "", $s);
        print OUT "\n";

    print OUT "\\.\n";
    $q = undef;

sub dumpall
    open(OUT, ">$outfile") or die;

    # tables you dont want to dump
    my $dont = {'junk' => 1,
        'temp' => 1,
        'temp2' => 1,
        'tempetc' => 1,

    my $q = $db->prepare('show tables');
    while (my $x = $q->fetchrow_arrayref)
        if (! exists($dont->{$$x[0]}) )
            #print "dump $$x[0]\n";
    $q = undef;

#open(OUT, '>out.sql') or die;


Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

Chris Browne
".ep" <erick.papa@gmail.com> writes:
> Hello,
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.
> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.
> Is there anything else?

Where's the "*huge*" database?  5 million records is nothing; I'll run
that on my laptop, forget about having a real server...

If memory serves, the mysqldump will generate a dump consisting of:

1.  Schema information - which will need to get edited a bit to get
rid of manifest MySQL-isms.  For instance...  "TYPE=ISAM PACK_KEYS=1"
needs to be trimmed out...

There may be some column types that exist in MySQL that do not have
the same names in PostgreSQL.  Those will need to be changed.

2.  It will then consist of a series of INSERT statements.

Those will insert mighty slowly if loaded as a transaction apiece.

If you add a BEGIN; every once in a while followed by a COMMIT;,
perhaps surrounding each table's data, that will cause all that data
to be loaded as a single transaction, which will be much quicker.

If you could dump out each table in something like tab-delimited form,
PostgreSQL could use COPY to load the data, which tends to be way,
way, faster.  But you only have 5 million records, so it's hardly a
large database requiring special measures.
(reverse (concatenate 'string "ofni.secnanifxunil" "@" "enworbbc"))
Rules of  the Evil Overlord #189. "I  will never tell the  hero "Yes I
was the one who  did it, but you'll never be able  to prove it to that
incompetent  old fool."  Chances  are, that  incompetent  old fool  is
standing behind the curtain."  <http://www.eviloverlord.com/>

Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

Raymond O'Donnell
On 06/03/2007 16:53, Chris Browne wrote:

> Where's the "*huge*" database?  5 million records is nothing; I'll run

...unless they're all biggish BLOBs..... ;-P


Raymond O'Donnell, Director of Music, Galway Cathedral, Ireland

Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

.ep wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.
> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.

If you can convert the database schema, then in mysql do a dump of the
tables like this:

select * from table into outfile '/tmp/filename';

(see http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/4.1/en/select.html)

and then import it into postgres like this:

\copy table from '/tmp/filename'

(see http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.2/interactive/sql-copy.html)

That's much better because it creates a CSV like file which postgres can
process in one go.

Using complete inserts to do a conversion is horribly slow because
postgres does a single transaction per insert - so you can either wrap a
number of inserts inside a transaction, or do a copy like this (copy is

Postgresql & php tutorials

Re: Importing *huge* mysql database into pgsql

Harald Fuchs
In article <1173191066.416664.320470@n33g2000cwc.googlegroups.com>,
".ep" <erick.papa@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I would like to convert a mysql database with 5 million records and
> growing, to a pgsql database.

> All the stuff I have come across on the net has things like
> "mysqldump" and "psql -f", which sounds like I will be sitting forever
> getting this to work.

> Is there anything else?

If you really want to convert a *huge* MySQL database (and not your
tiny 5M record thingie), I'd suggest "mysqldump -T". This creates for
each table an .sql file containing just the DDL, and a .txt file
containing the data.

Then edit all .sql files:
* Fix type and index definitions etc.
* Append a "COPY thistbl FROM 'thispath/thistbl.txt';"

Then run all .sql files with psql, in an order dictated by foreign keys.