Обсуждение: %tsearch gendict snowball spanish


%tsearch gendict snowball spanish

David Gama Rodriguez
Hi everyone!!

        I have an implementation of tsearch2 with spanish stemmers. I
        postgres to 8.1.8 version and I was going to reinstall the
        contrib, everything was fine until I try to compile the spanish
        with gendict

        $ ./config.sh -n sp -s -p spanish_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball
        stemmer for

        Dictname: 'sp'
        Snowball stemmer: yes
        Has init method: yes
        Function prefix: spanish_ISO_8859_1
        Source files: stem.c
        Header files: stem.h
        Object files: stem.o dict_snowball.o
        Comment: 'Snowball stemmer for Spanish'
        Directory: ../../dict_sp
        Build directory...  ok
        Build Makefile...  ok
        Build dict_sp.sql.in...  ok
        Copy source and header files...  ok
        Build sub-include header...  ok
        Build Snowball stemmer...  ok
        Build README.sp...  ok
        All is done

        after I get this error:

        stem.c: En la función 'spanish_ISO_8859_1_close_env':
        stem.c:1092: error: demasiados argumentos para la función
        make: *** [stem.o] Error 1

        error: too many arguments to function 'SN_close_env'

        So I search this error on the list and I see some posts related.
        One of this posts says that I have to patch to get an updated
        API. I download the patch from:

        and I apply the patch this way

        $ cd PG_SRC/
        $ patch -b -p0 < gin_tsearch2_81

        Everything going fine and recompile tsearch2

        So I try to compile the stemmer again
        $ ./config.sh -n sp -s -p spanish_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball
        stemmer for
        $ cd ../../dict_sp
        $ make

        stem.c: En la función 'spanish_ISO_8859_1_close_env':
        stem.c:1092: error: demasiados argumentos para la función
        make: *** [stem.o] Error 1

        And again I have the same error: too many arguments.....

        So my question is why after I apply the patch I have the same
        What did I do wrong?

        I take some paths to solve this issue I post here which finally
        for me:

        1.- Download Postgresql-8.1.8 sources
        2.- Download the C implementation of snowball
        3.- Download the patch to update Snowball API

        4.- Unpack postgresql sources
        5.- Unpack Snowball C
        6.- Unpack the patch
        7.- Apply patch with:
            $ cp gin_tsearch2_81 PG_SRC/
            $ cd PG_SRC
            $ patch -b -p0 < gin_tsearch2_81
        8.- Do configure
            $ ./configure
        9.- Copy the Snowball API to Tsearch2 dir
            $ cp libstemmer_c/runtime/*
        10.- Copy english and russian stemmers
            $ cp stem_ISO_8859_1_english.c
            $ cp stem_ISO_8859_1_english.h
            $ cp stem_KOI8_R_russian.c
            $ cp stem_KOI8_R_russian.h
            $ cp stem_UTF_8_russian.h
            $ cp stem_UTF_8_russian.c

        11.- Change in english_stem.c, russian_stem.c,
        rusian_stem_UTF8.c the
        line with:
            #include "../untime/header.h"
            #include "header.h"

        12.- Compile tsearch2
            $ make
            $ make install

        13.- Copy spanish stemmer
            $ cp libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_spanish.c
            $ cp libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_spanish.h

        14.- Go to gendict directory and do the same sustitution in step
        11 with
        stem.c file
        15.- Do:
            $ ./config.sh -n sp -s -p spanish_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball
        for Spanish'

        16.- Go to ../../dict_sp and compile
            $ make

        And have no errors finally this works, I have many doubts
        related with
        this way of add tsearch2 and snowball spanish like:

        Is safe to add this to a DB in production?
        This compilation it's "fine" I mean it's correct?
        I will have some issues when I put this to work?

        I know this is dificult to say but I ask you because you have
        experience with  this

        Cheers mates!!

        BTW I hope this mini HOW_TO helps others

Re: %tsearch gendict snowball spanish

Oleg Bartunov

you need http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/tsearch/V2/tsearch_snowball_82.gz -
patch for 8.2 release, which updates snowball API.
You need it only for the new stemmers from sbowball site !

I'm not sure if it will apply for 8.1.8.


On Sun, 11 Mar 2007, David Gama Rodriguez wrote:

> Hi everyone!!
>        I have an implementation of tsearch2 with spanish stemmers. I
>        updated
>        postgres to 8.1.8 version and I was going to reinstall the
>        tsearch2
>        contrib, everything was fine until I try to compile the spanish
>        stemmers
>        with gendict
>        $ ./config.sh -n sp -s -p spanish_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball
>        stemmer for
>        Spanish'
>        Dictname: 'sp'
>        Snowball stemmer: yes
>        Has init method: yes
>        Function prefix: spanish_ISO_8859_1
>        Source files: stem.c
>        Header files: stem.h
>        Object files: stem.o dict_snowball.o
>        Comment: 'Snowball stemmer for Spanish'
>        Directory: ../../dict_sp
>        Build directory...  ok
>        Build Makefile...  ok
>        Build dict_sp.sql.in...  ok
>        Copy source and header files...  ok
>        Build sub-include header...  ok
>        Build Snowball stemmer...  ok
>        Build README.sp...  ok
>        All is done
>        after I get this error:
>        stem.c: En la funci?n 'spanish_ISO_8859_1_close_env':
>        stem.c:1092: error: demasiados argumentos para la funci?n
>        'SN_close_env'
>        make: *** [stem.o] Error 1
>        error: too many arguments to function 'SN_close_env'
>        So I search this error on the list and I see some posts related.
>        One of this posts says that I have to patch to get an updated
>        snowball
>        API. I download the patch from:
>        http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/tsearch/V2/gin_tsearch2_81.gz
>        and I apply the patch this way
>        $ cd PG_SRC/
>        $ patch -b -p0 < gin_tsearch2_81
>        Everything going fine and recompile tsearch2
>        So I try to compile the stemmer again
>        $ ./config.sh -n sp -s -p spanish_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball
>        stemmer for
>        Spanish'
>        $ cd ../../dict_sp
>        $ make
>        stem.c: En la funci?n 'spanish_ISO_8859_1_close_env':
>        stem.c:1092: error: demasiados argumentos para la funci?n
>        'SN_close_env'
>        make: *** [stem.o] Error 1
>        And again I have the same error: too many arguments.....
>        So my question is why after I apply the patch I have the same
>        error?
>        What did I do wrong?
>        I take some paths to solve this issue I post here which finally
>        works
>        for me:
>        1.- Download Postgresql-8.1.8 sources
>        2.- Download the C implementation of snowball
>        http://snowball.tartarus.org/dist/libstemmer_c.tgz
>        3.- Download the patch to update Snowball API
>        http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/postgres/gist/tsearch/V2/gin_tsearch2_81.gz
>        4.- Unpack postgresql sources
>        5.- Unpack Snowball C
>        6.- Unpack the patch
>        7.- Apply patch with:
>            $ cp gin_tsearch2_81 PG_SRC/
>            $ cd PG_SRC
>            $ patch -b -p0 < gin_tsearch2_81
>        8.- Do configure
>            $ ./configure
>        9.- Copy the Snowball API to Tsearch2 dir
>            $ cp libstemmer_c/runtime/*
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/
>        10.- Copy english and russian stemmers
>            $ cp stem_ISO_8859_1_english.c
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/english_stem.c
>            $ cp stem_ISO_8859_1_english.h
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/english_stem.h
>            $ cp stem_KOI8_R_russian.c
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/russian_stem.c
>            $ cp stem_KOI8_R_russian.h
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/russian_stem.h
>            $ cp stem_UTF_8_russian.h
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/russian_stem_UTF8.h
>            $ cp stem_UTF_8_russian.c
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/snowball/russian_stem_UTF8.c
>        11.- Change in english_stem.c, russian_stem.c,
>        rusian_stem_UTF8.c the
>        line with:
>            #include "../untime/header.h"
>        to:
>            #include "header.h"
>        12.- Compile tsearch2
>            $ make
>            $ make install
>        13.- Copy spanish stemmer
>            $ cp libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_spanish.c
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/gendict/stem.c
>            $ cp libstemmer_c/src_c/stem_ISO_8859_1_spanish.h
>        PG_SRC/contrib/tsearch2/gendict/stem.h
>        14.- Go to gendict directory and do the same sustitution in step
>        11 with
>        stem.c file
>        15.- Do:
>            $ ./config.sh -n sp -s -p spanish_ISO_8859_1 -v -C'Snowball
>        stemmer
>        for Spanish'
>        16.- Go to ../../dict_sp and compile
>            $ make
>        And have no errors finally this works, I have many doubts
>        related with
>        this way of add tsearch2 and snowball spanish like:
>        Is safe to add this to a DB in production?
>        This compilation it's "fine" I mean it's correct?
>        I will have some issues when I put this to work?
>        I know this is dificult to say but I ask you because you have
>        more
>        experience with  this
>        Cheers mates!!
>        BTW I hope this mini HOW_TO helps others
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 1: if posting/reading through Usenet, please send an appropriate
>       subscribe-nomail command to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your
>       message can get through to the mailing list cleanly

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (www.astronet.ru),
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@sai.msu.su, http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83