Обсуждение: OT: schema-sketching software


OT: schema-sketching software

"Kynn Jones"
Hi.  I'm looking for Pg- and OSX-friendly software for generating schema diagrams.  It its most basic level, I'm looking for the graphics counterpart of pg_dump -s, although it would be nice if the program could take as input the name of a file containing an arbitrary schema definition ( i.e. not necessarily corresponding to an existing database).



Re: OT: schema-sketching software

Jon Sime
Kynn Jones wrote:
> Hi.  I'm looking for Pg- and OSX-friendly software for generating schema
> diagrams.  It its most basic level, I'm looking for the graphics
> counterpart of pg_dump -s, although it would be nice if the program
> could take as input the name of a file containing an arbitrary schema
> definition ( i.e. not necessarily corresponding to an existing database).

If you don't mind doing a little Perl (with the side benefit being that
you could more easily automate the diagramming for large numbers of
schemas, or schemas that go through numerous changes), you might want to
check out SQL Fairy: http://sqlfairy.sourceforge.net/

For a non-free package specifically designed for OS X, SQLEditor might
fit the bill. The trial version seemed to fare "okay" on a couple of my
less complicated definition files. It also appears to have the ability
to connect directly to a database and build the diagram that way, though
that might be disabled in the trial version since it did nothing for me.
It seems to only pay attention to table definitions (and their FKs);
generic (aka non-PK/FK/unique/null) constraints, functions, triggers,
custom datatypes, etc. all were ignored from what I could tell when I
had it parse my definition files.


Senior Systems Developer
Media Matters for America